Author/Editor     Bednarik, J; Kugovnik, O; Kapus, V; Strojnik, V; Fajfer, P; Bizjak, I; Terčelj, M; Mancijevič, D
Title     Zavirano plavanje kot instrument za oceno nekaterih biomehanskih parametrov
Translated title     Obstructed swimming as an instrument for the assessment of some biomechanical parameters and their relationship with the achievement in swimming
Type     članek
Source     Šport
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1-2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 38-40
Language     slo
Abstract     The purpose of the investigation was to determine measurable criteria for the assessment of the force of swimming. Due to the changing swimming conditions the force of fully obstructed swimming cannot be a sufficient criterion for the assessment of the force of swimming at maximum speed. Therefore a discrete model was applied where the swimming velocity and additional force of swimming at four different additional load were measured. As the swimming velocity with additional load did not decrease under 15 per cent of the maximum speed, the conditions of the test task corresponded to swimming conditions. With regard to the results obtained it can be concluded that biomechanical parameters obtained during gradually increased partial obstruction of swimming, statistically significantly explain the variability of the results of 100, 200, 400 and 1500 metres free style, while the biomechanical parameters obtained during fully obstructed swimming are statistically significant at explaining the variability of the results of 100, 200, and 400 metres free style.
Descriptors     SWIMMING