Author/Editor     Tomaževič, T; Pompe-Tanšek, M; Meden-Vrtovec, H; Hren-Vencelj, H; Žemva, Ž
Title     Vaginal ultrasound monitoring in HMG, HCG cycles in in vitro fertilization program
Type     članek
Source     Assist Reprod Technol Androl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 315-20
Language     eng
Abstract     In 1987, vaginal ultrasound was introduced for follicle growth monitoring of the stimulated cycles in the Ljubljana IVF Center. In 1988, daily estradiol determinations were reduced to 1-3 per cycle. In several cycles there were no hormonal determinations. The following parameters were evaluated: daily estradiol levels, vaginal ultrasound measurements in group A (196 stimulated cycles in 1987); vaginal ultrasound measurements/1-2 estradiol determinations in group B (1187 cycles in 1988-1990); and vaginal ultrasound measurements for follicular growth monitoring only in group C (366 cycles in 1988-90). The cycles were stimulated with hMG and hCG. The size of the dominant follicle (more than 16 mm) was the criterion for the application of hCG. The only indication was tubal infertility. The groups were matched by age, dosage of gonadotropins and by indication. As for transfer rates there were no significant differences between tbe groups (83 per cent, 80 per cent, 84 per cent). The same applied for clinical pregnancy rates (14 per cent, 13 per cent, 16 per cent). The live birth rate in group C (11 per cent ) was significantly bigher tban in group B (7 per cent ) (p less th. 0.05), but not significantly higher compared to group A (9 per cent ). Without diminishing the success rates the number of hormonal measurement and the cost of tbe IVF procedure were reduced. Hormonal determinations are still needed in cases of low and high response to gonadotropin stimulation, such as in rare cases of difficult vaginal ultrasound interpretation. Complementing hormonal and vaginal ultrasound measurements in the 105 cycles with low response to gonadotrophin stimulation (E2 less than 1 nmol/l) we were able to achieve a 6 per cent live birth rate.