Author/Editor     Dajčman, Davorin; Ocepek, Andreja; Skok, Pavel
Title     Anestezija in sedacija v endoskopiji
Translated title     Anesthesia and sedation in endoscopy
Type     članek
Source     74267393
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 112-117
Language     slv
Abstract     Zanimanje za posege gastrointestinalne endoskopije v anesteziji ali sedaciji se je v zadnjih letih močno povečalo in je predmet številnih razprav tudi pri nas. Namen anestezije ali sedacije v gastrointestinalni endoskopiji je izboljšanje bolnikovega počutja med samim posegom, bolniku zmanjšati strah in slabo izkušnjo, v manjši meri pa doseči globok spanec. Na ta način je doseženo večje zadovoljstvo med posegom tako pri bolnikih kot pri zdravnikih. Danes potekajo številne razprave o izbiri najboljše metode. Tudi v Sloveniji še nimamo jasnih priporočil, kateri bolniki so najprimernejši za anestezijo ali sedacijo med gastrointestinalno endoskopijo, prav tako pa v praksi nimamo predpisanega tečaja iz sedacije za naše gastrointestinalne endoskopiste. Zadovoljiva sedacija oziroma globok spanec bolnika vplivata na različne vidike preiskave: kakovost preiskave, bolnikovo privolitev v poseg in bolnikovo ter zdravnikovo zadovoljstvom z izskledki preiskave. Najboljše oblike anestezije ali sedacije omogočajo upoštevanje vse bolnikovih značilnosti ter možnih dejavnikov tveganja za nastanek zapletov in prilagoditev posamezni vrsti endoskopskega posega. V prispevku so predstavljene novejše možnosti anestezije in sedacije bolnikov med gastrointestinalnimi endoskopskimi posegi s povdarkom na prednostih in tveganjih.In the past few years, interest in anesthesia and sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopy has increased and is currently the subject of much debate in our country. The aim of anesthesia or sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopy is to promote the patient's tolerance and cooperation. Sedation should aim for amnesia and anxiolysis rather than hypnosis of patients. The use of anesthesia or sedation can results in a high degree of satisfaction with the procedure by both patients and physician. The best method for anesthesia and sedation during gastrointestinal endoscopy are still debated. In Slovenia we dont have well-defined set of practice guidelines that can be used to determine which patients can undergo successful sedation or anesthesia in gastrointestinal endoscopy on the first side, and there is still no tradition of formalised training in sedation for our endoscopist on the other side. Adequate regimen of anesthesia or sedation should influence several aspect of endoscopic procedure: the quality of the examination, the patients allowance and the patients and physicians satisfaction with the results of the examination. The best anesthesia or sedation strategy should be tailored to the individual patient, based on the clinical risk evaluation and the type of gastrointestinal endoscopic procedure to be done. This article provides a debate about new approaches to anesthesia and sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopy, specially about its benefit and risk factors.
Keywords     gastrointestinalna endoskopija