Author/Editor     Zupanič Slavec, Zvonka; Slavec, Ksenija
Title     Zdravstvo proti nalezljivim boleznim skozi čas
Translated title     #The #fight against infection diseases over time
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 2
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 271-280
ISSN     0353-3484 - Medicinski razgledi
Language     slv
Abstract     Epidemije in pandemije so v zgodovini cloveštva terjale najvec smrtnih žrtev, zato so družbo in zdravstvo od nekdaj vsestransko zaposlovale. Njihove katastrofalne demografske, gospodarske, socialne, psihološke in druge posledice so privedle do iskanja vzrokov ter možnih družbenih in zdravstvenih rešitev zanje. Med najuspešnejšimi zgodnjimi ukrepi je bila uvedba karanten, s prvo med njimi v Dubrovniku leta 1377.Šele mikrobiološka era je z odkrivanjem bakterijskih, virusnih in drugih povzrociteljev postavila strokovne temelje racionalni protiepidemijski strategiji z ustreznimi navodili in ukrepi, predvsem pa s cepljenji. Za javnozdravstveno strategijo preprecevanja in zatiranja epidemicnih bolezni je na mednarodni ravni sprva skrbela zdravstvena sekcija Društva narodov, po drugi svetovni vojni pa Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija. V pomoc so bila tudi trgovinska združenja, ki so za preprecevanje gospodarske škode v primeru epidemij že od sredine 19. stoletja organizirala mednarodne sanitarne konference.Throughout the history of mankind, epidemics and pandemics were the cause of most deathsj this is why they have always occupied an important place in the society and its health system. Their disastrous demographic, economic, social, psychological and other consequences have led to a search of the causes and possible social and medical solutions for them. One of the most successful early measures was the quarantine, introduced for the first time in Dubrovnik in 1377.Since the microbiological era, when bacterial, viral and other agents were discovered, professional foundations have been set for a rational antiepidemic strategy with its guidelines and measures, and above all vaccination. At first, the health section of the League of Nations was responsible for the public health strategy of prevention and fight against epidemic diseases at an international level,whereas after WorldWar II, WorldHealth Organization took over.Trade associations were also very supportive, organizing international sanitary conferences since the mid-19th century in order to prevent economic damage, caused by epidemics.
Keywords     epidemiologija
nalezljive bolezni
organizacija zdravstvene strategije
javnozdravstveni nadzor
infectious diseases
health organization and strategy
public health control