Author/Editor     Kvas, Andreja; Seljak, Janko
Title     Ocena vodstvenih kompetenc na področju etike za vodje v zdravstveni negi
Translated title     Assessment of ethics-related competences in nurse leaders
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 1
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 8-17
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Pomembno je, da vodje in njihovi sodelavci v zdravstveni negi podobno ocenjujejo raven etičnih kompetenc vodij. Če se pogleda teh dveh skupin na etiko razlikujeta, lahko to slabo vpliva na kakovost zdravstvene nege. Metode: V okviru raziskave sta bili v obdobju 1. 7. 2010 - 30. 4. 2011 v petnajstih slovenskih bolnišnicah izvedeni dve anketni raziskavi. Vzorec prvega anketiranja predstavlja 236 vodij, zaposlenih na vseh ravneh vodenja v zdravstveni negi, ki so ocenjevali raven lastnih kompetenc. Vzorec drugega anketiranja predstavlja 1.311 njihovih sodelavcev, ki so ocenjevali raven etičnih kompetenc svojih neposrednih vodij. V raziskavi je izvedena analiza povezanosti (Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient) in razlik (t-test) med samoocenami etičnih kompetenc vodstvenih medicinskih sester in ocenami njihovih sodelavcev. Rezultati: Med samoocenami vodij in ocenami zaposlenih obstaja šibka povezanost pri štirih etičnih kompetencah (korelacijski koeficient med 0,137 in 0,238; p < 0,05), pri petih povezanosti ni. Agregatni kazalnik značilnosti vodstvenih etičnih kompetenc v zdravstveni negi kaže, da so za vodje v zdravstveni negi najznačilnejša ravnanja, povezana z zasebnostjo, avtonomnostjo, informiranostjo pacienta ter s takojšnjim ukrepanjem v primeru kršitve pravil in doktrin zdravstvene nege oziroma prevzemanja odgovornosti za lastno delo. Diskusija in zaključek: Majhna povezanost samoocene ravnanj vodilnih z oceno njihovih sodelavcev kaže na različnost pogledov na raven etičnih kompetenc vodilnih medicinskih sester v slovenskih bolnišnicah. Na osnovi primerjave ocen dobijo vodstvene medicinske sestre povratno informacijo o tem, kako njihovo ravnanje ocenjujejo njihovi sodelavci. Vodstvu bolnišnic velike razlike v ocenah kažejo na premajhno kohezivnost posamezne skupine (tima zdravstvene nege) in premajhno stopnjo komunikacije med člani tima in vodjem.Introduction: It is of utmost importance that the nursing leader ethical competences are assessed uniformly by both the nursing leaders themselves as well as their subordinates. If the two groups of employees hold different views on professional ethics, this may negatively affect the quality of nursing care. Methods: Two surveys were conducted within the study which took place from May 18, 2010 to April 30, 2011 in fifteen Slovenian hospitals. The Pearson's correlation coefficient and a t-test were applied to a sample of 236 nurse leaders and a sample of 1311 nursing professionals. The respondents from the first sample were requested to perform a self-assessment of their ethical competences and the latter the assessment of their immediate superiors. Results: A weak positive correlation was observed between the self-assessment of leaders and the assessment given by their subordinates as regards four ethical competences (correlation coefficient between 0.137 and 0.238, p < 0.05), while no correlation was found in the remaining five. The aggregate indicator shows that nurse leaders display a high level of ethical competences concerning the patient privacy, autonomy, patient information, timely action in case of policy and nursing doctrine violation, and the acceptance of professional responsibility. Discussion and conclusion: Results of the study indicate different perceptions of ethics-related competences in nurse leaders in Slovenian hospitals by the two groups of respondents. The different assessments of the behavioural indicators and competency levels delineated in the study present an important feedback to the nurse leaders as well as hospital management, pinpointing the lack of cohesion and inadequate communication between team members and their leaders.
Keywords     vodenje
medicinske sestre
etična načela
ethical principles
self assessment