Author/Editor     Trojar, Špela; Ramšak-Pajk, Jožica
Title     Nekateri vidiki doživljanja žensk ob operativnem posegu na rodilih
Translated title     Exploring the emotional and psychological aspects of gynaecologic surgery
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 1
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 56-61
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Doživljanje žensk je pri ginekoloških operativnih posegih različno in zelo individualno, zato ima pri obravnavi ginekoloških pacientk veliko vlogo tudi medicinska sestra. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti razlike v doživljanju bolezni ter stopnjo psihične podpore s strani partnerjev pacientk oziroma njihovih svojcev in s strani medicinskih sester. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativni metodi deskriptivnega raziskovanja. Kot instrument je bil uporabljen nestandardiziran polstrukturirani intervju z vodenimi vprašanji odprtega tipa. Študija primera je bila razdeljena v dva sklopa, v času zdravljenja v bolnišnici in en mesec po odpustu. Vključeni sta bili dve pacientki, ena z laparotomijo in miomektomijo, druga z vaginalno histerektomijo. Raziskavo smo izvedli v Bolnišnici za ginekologijo in porodništvo Kranj in v domačem okolju pacientk. Rezultati: Iz intervjujev je razvidnih nekaj skupnih ugotovitev obeh pacientk, ki sta se sicer razlikovali glede operativnega posega, v nekaterih področjih pa se njuni mišljenji razhajata. Pacientkama je skupno olajšanje po posegu, saj za njiju poseg pomeni konec bolečin in ostalih neprijetnih simptomov. Njuni mnenji pa se razhajata pri pomenu reproduktivnih organov za njuno življenje in pri pomenu vloge medicinske sestre. Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovitve študije kažejo, da so operativni posegi na rodilih, predvsem psihološki vidik, izziv nadaljnjemu raziskovanju. Po ginekološki operaciji se pacientke soočajo z različnimi stresi, kot so strah, spremenjena samopodoba, spolna disfunkcija, izguba ženskosti. Nastale stiske po operativnem posegu se lahko zmanjšajo s primerno predoperativno pripravo, zdravstveno vzgojo in k pacientu usmerjeno obravnavo.Introduction: Surgery is often the most effective first-line therapy of several gynaecologic conditions. All women undergoing gynaecologic surgery can benefit from presurgical and postsurgical support provided by nurses. Personalized nursing, tailored to the individual woman¼s needs enhances the patient's coping strategies and alleviates different adverse psychological sequelae following gynaecologic surgery. The objective of the study was to determine the differences in emotional experiences of gynaecological surgery and the significance of psychological support on the part of the patient's partner or her family as well as nurses. Methods: The study was designed as a case study, a form of qualitative descriptive research. A semi-structured non-standardised interview was used as the sole research instrument. It consisted of two sets of guided open-ended questions. The interviews were conducted with two patients with gynaecological condition in whom myomectomy was performed via a laparotomy and vaginal hysterectomy, respectively. The first part of the study was carried out in the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Hospital Kranj and the second part in the patients' home environment four to five weeks after discharge from the hospital. Results: Results of the study show that psychological aspects of gynaecologic surgery may differ depending upon the type of surgery performed and the risk factors in the preoperative period. The respondents' post-surgery responses revealed different perceptions of the self-concept and femininity following gynaecological surgery, and the dimension of nurses' perioperative support. Both patients, however, were relieved of frustrating pain and other physical symptoms after the surgery. Discussion and conclusion: The conclusions drawn from the present study are that further research is needed on psychological aspects and implications of gynaecologic surgeries and their translation into clinical settings. Gynaecologic surgery patients must cope with a variety of psychological adjustment difficulties, related to the changes in self-image, self-esteem, loss of femininity or identity and sexual dysfunction. The likelihood of post-surgical psychological problems can be decreased by proper, streamlined and patient-oriented perioperative nursing care.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
fenomenološka študija
zdrs maternice
uterine prolapse