Author/Editor     Clemente, Nika; Prosen, Mirko
Title     Priprava moških na rojstvo otroka in očetovstvo
Translated title     Preparing men for childbirth and paternity
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 2
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 194-201
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Postati oče je najbrž edinstven in eden izmed najlepših trenutkov v življenju vsakega moškega. Pogosto so očetova čustva in doživljanja v pričakovanju novorojenca v senci bodoče matere. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti zadovoljstvo očetov z informacijami in podporo, ki jih prejmejo v šoli za bodoče starše in ob porodu, ter njihovo doživljanje in sprejemanje očetovstva. Metode: Uporabljena je deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo spletnega vprašalnika, sestavljenega iz 43 trditev. Na podlagi neslučajnostnega, namenskega vzorčenja po sistemu snežne kepe je bilo v raziskavo vključenih 46 moških. Kriterij, ki ni dovoljeval vključitve, je bil čas od zadnjega poroda, ki ni smel presegati obdobja dveh let. Raziskava je potekala maja in junija 2012. Podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel 2010. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da se večina anketiranih očetov strinja, da v šoli za bodoče starše dobijo dovolj informacij o porodu (55 %) in o njihovi vlogi med porodom (44 %). Njihovo prisostvovanje porodu je v 92 % temeljilo na lastni želji. Ob porodu je 46 % anketiranih izrazilo zadovoljstvo s podporo zdravstvenega osebja. Kljub celotni psihični in fizični pripravi je po mnenju 52,9 % anketirancev s približevanjem predvidenega datuma poroda strah naraščal. Diskusija in zaključek: Raziskava je pokazala, da šola za bodoče starše moškim poda ustrezne informacije o porodnem procesu, prisostvovanje porodu pa po večini izhaja iz lastne želje. Zdravstveno osebje je, po mnenju anketiranih, nudilo zadovoljivo oporo, vendar je bil kljub temu strah pri večini moških prisoten. Vpogledi v odgovore anketiranih moških so pomembni za vse tiste zdravstvene delavce, ki spodbujajo k aktivnemu vključevanju partnerja v času nosečnosti in poroda.Introduction: Becoming a father is a unique and probably one of the most beautiful moments in a man's life. The new or expectant father's feelings and emotions are, however, often shaded by those of mothers. The purpose of the study was to determine the satisfaction of fathers with the information and support provided during prenatal classes and at childbirth, and their perception and acceptance of paternity. Methods: A descriptive research method was used in the study. The data were collected through an online questionnaire consisting of 43 statements. The survey was based on a non-probability snowball sampling method and included 46 men who had become fathers not more than two years prior to the study. The survey was conducted in May and June 2012. The data were processed with the Microsoft Excel 2010 programme. Results: According to the study results, the parenting education classes satisfied the majority of fathers as to the information on the birth process (55%) and their role during childbirth (44%). In 92%, they attended the childbirth on their own volition. At birth, 46% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the medical staff support. A good half of the respondents (52.9%) reported that despite comprehensive psychological and physical preparation, their anxiety increased as the due date of childbirth was approaching. Discussion and conclusion: The research findings confirm that antenatal classes provide future fathers with appropriate information about the process of labour and birth and that birth attendance was largely based on the fathers' own volition. Even though medical staff offers all the necessary support, future fathers still experience fear and apprehension surrounding childbirth. The survey results are of great importance and benefit to all health professionals who encourage men's active involvement in pregnancy and the birth process.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
zdravstvena nega
šola za bodoče starše
čustveno doživljanje
nursing care
nursing care
antenatal classes
emotional experience