Author/Editor     Korpar, M; Farčnik, F; Premik, M; Zorec, R; Sever-Cimerman, K; Rejc-Novak, M; Bitenc-Ovsenik, M
Title     Spremembe orofacialnega sistema med 3. in 9. letom starosti
Translated title     Changes in the orofacial system between 3rd nad 9th years of age
Type     članek
Source     In: Farčnik F, editor. Preventivna in interceptivna ortodontija. Zbornik predavanj strokovnega srečanja. Rantovi dnevi; 1994 Sep 29-Oct 1; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko ortodontsko društvo,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 41-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The dynamics of changes in the morphological and functional status of the orofacial region was shown by a group of 198 children from Maribor in a longitudinal follow-up study from the 3 to 9 year old children. The very small number of cases without symptoms of malocclusion was the most alarmed statement of our research. The score of the morphological symptoms shows us that already 45 per cent of 3 year old children have a malocclusion which was classified into the second severity category (middle severe malocclusion) and 11 per cent in the third severity category (sever malocclusion) of malocclusion. The extent of the score for functional symptoms shows a descent tendency, but the consequence of deviate orofacial functions as: mouth breathing, swallowing with tongue-thrust and bad habits is probably already expressed in the present morphological symptoms. Therefore the orthodontic prevention has to be pointed at the deviate orofacial functions, which are caused to a high degree by wrong feeding habits.
Descriptors     MALOCCLUSION