Author/Editor     Gogala, Miloša
Title     Učinek tople grede in globalno segrevanje
Translated title     Global warming and greenhouse effect
Type     članek
Source     266557184
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 172-179
Language     slv
Abstract     V prispevku bom razložila učinek 'tople grede' in kako deluje. Pri tem bom omenila Zemljino ozračje, ki deluje podobno kot topla greda. Opisala bom dejavnike, ki vplivajo na učinek tople grede, govorili bomo o toplogrednih plinih in posledicah ter različnih metodah, kako omejiti izpust CO2. Omenila bom še okoljevarstvene skupine, kot so 'Future Forest', ki jo podpirata glasbeni skupini Cold Play in Pink Floyd; Surfers against Sewage in Reclaim the Streets. Dotaknila se bom tudi dveh nasprotujočih si filmov z naslovom 'AnInconvenient Truth', katerega ideje podpira Al Gore, in 'The Great Global Warming Swindle', s podporo naftnega lobija. V predavanje bosta vključena posnetek na temo 'Aeroplane and Warming' in test bralnega razumevanja.In my lecture I am going to explain a greenhouse effect and the way it works. The earth atmosphere, which is similar to a greenhouse will be dealt with; the factors that influence the function of a green house will be described; greenhouse gasses, the consequences and alternative ways to curb CO2+ emissions will be discussed ; the environmental protest groups such as Future Forest backed up by Coldplay and Pink Floyd, Surfers Against Sewage and Reclaim the Streets will be mentioned. Two contradictory films entitled An Inconvenient Truth supported by Al Gore and The Great Global Warming Swindle supported by a gas lobby will also be touched upon. The recording on Aeroplane and Warming and a reading comprehension tests will be incorporated into the lecture.
Keywords     učinek tople grede
globalno segrevanje
global warming
greenhouse effect