Author/Editor     Burger, Helena; Brezovar, Darinka
Title     Primerjava podtestov testa UNB za testiranje uporabe proteze pri otrocih in mladostnikih
Translated title     Comparison of subtests of the UNB test of prosthetic function in children and young adults
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 12, št. 2
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 13-17
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Izhodišča: Namen naše študije je ugotoviti, ali so podtesti testa UNB za posamezno starostno skupino enako težki in lahko rezultate različnih podtestov med seboj primerjamo ter ali vrsta proteze vpliva na končni rezultat. Metode: V študijo smo vključili vse teste vseh otrok in mladostnikov, ki so bili leta 2012 in v prvih petih mesecih leta 2013 obravnavani v naši ambulanti za rehabilitacijo otrok po amputaciji zgornjega uda in ročno protetiko. Vse udeležence smo testirali z vsemi tremi podtesti testa UNB, primernimi za starost otroka oziroma mladostnika. Vrstni red testiranj je bil naključen. Rezultati: V prvih dveh starostnih skupinah (24 leta, 58 let) smo imeli premalo testiranih otrok za veljavno sklepanje, v naslednjih dveh (912 let, 1321 let) pa smo ugotovili, da so testi med seboj primerljivi. Ugotovili smo tudi učinek stropa za spontanost uporabe proteze v najstarejši skupini. Kot najbolj spretni so se pokazali mladostniki, ki uporabljajo bionično roko, kot najmanj spretni pa tisti, ki imajo funkcionalno mehansko roko. Zaključek: Podtesti testa UNB za starostno skupino 13-21 let so med seboj primerljivi, za druge starostne skupine pa potrebujemo nadaljnje študije.Background: The aim of our study was to find out whereas subtests of UNB test are of equal difficulty and the results could be comparable between them and whereas the type of prosthesis influenced the final result. Methods: All the tests of all the children and adolescents who visited our outpatient clinic for rehabilitation of children following upper limb amputation and upper limb prosthetics during the year 2012 and the first five months of 2013 were included in the study. All the participants were tested with all the three age-appropriate UNB subtests in a random order. Results: In the youngest two age groups (24 years, 58 years) we did not perform enough tests for valid inference; in the oldest two age groups (9-12 years, 13-21 years) the subtests were found to be of equal difficulty and can thus be considered as mutually comparable. In the oldest age subgroup we observed a ceiling effect for all the subtests for spontaneity of prosthetic use. The most skilled in prosthesis use were adolescents who had a bionic hand; the least skilled were those with a body-powered prosthesis. Conclusion: The UNB test subtests for the 13-21 years age group are mutually comparable; further testing is needed for other age groups.
Descriptors     Upper extremity
Prostheses and implants
Keywords     outcome measurement
zgornji udi
proteze in vsadki
ocenjevanje izida