Author/Editor     Urbančič, Mojca; Kloboves-Prevodnik, Veronika; Petrovič, Danijel; Globočnik Petrovič, Mojca
Title     A flow cytometric analysis of vitreous inflammatory cells in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2013
Publication year     2013
ISSN     2314-6141 - BioMed research international
Language     eng
Abstract     The purpose of this study was to investigate inflammatory cells in vitreous from patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) using flow cytometric analysis. Twenty-eight patients with PDR requiring vitrectomy because of macular traction or tractional retinal detachment were enrolled in the study ( ), and 6 patients with macular hole (MH) formed the control group. Samples of vitreous and peripheral venous blood were obtained at the beginning of vitrectomy. T lymphocytes were found in vitreous from patients with PDR, and CD4/CD8 ratio was higher in vitreous (median 4.3) compared to blood (median 1.9; ). No B lymphocytes were detected in vitreous. The percentage of histiocytes/macrophages was significantly higher in vitreous (median 62.1) in comparison with blood (median 5.5; ). No lymphocytes were detected in vitreous of the control group. There were more T lymphocytes in vitreous from patients with active PDR. No association between cells in the vitreous and visual acuity improvement after surgery was found. In conclusion, T lymphocytes are found in vitreous from patients with PDR and reflect the activity of PDR but do not seem to predict visual prognosis. Higher CD4/CD8 ratio in vitreous compared to blood from patients with PDR is consistent with local inflammatory response in PDR.
Keywords     cytometric
diabetic retinopathy
inflammatory cells
diabetična retinopatija
vnetne celice