Author/Editor     Kajdiž, Romana; Bojnec, Štefan
Title     Gibanje cen prve ravni anatomsko-terapevtsko-kemične klasifikacije reguliranih zdravil
Translated title     Price developments of the first level of anatomic-therapeutic-chemical classification of regulated medicines
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 82, št. 9
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 564-572
ISSN     1581-0224 - Zdravniški vestnik
Language     slv
Abstract     Izhodišča: Članek analizira vpliv reguliranja cen na prvi ravni anatomsko-terapevtsko-kemične (ATC) klasifikacije zdravil, da se prikaže njihovo gibanje po strukturi zdravil. Metode: V analizo je zajetih 760 reguliranih veleprodajnih cen zdravil v letih od 2003 do 2010, predpisanih ambulantno na recept, ki se delno ali v celoti financirajo iz javnih sredstev, ki so razdeljene na prvo raven, tj. anatomske glavne skupine po ATC- klasifikaciji. Za ocenitev učinka reguliranja na gibanje veleprodajnih cen zdravil sta uporabljena Laspeyresov indeks in Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov. Rezultati: Laspeyresov indeks potrdi zniževanje reguliranih veleprodajnih cen zdravil za večino anatomskih glavnih skupin zdravil po ATC-klasifikaciji v letih 20032010. Ta trditev je potrjena še s statistično pomembnimi razlikami z Wilcoxonovim testom predznačenih rangov, a z nekaj izjemami. Zaključki: Razlike v gibanju veleprodajnih cen zdravil anatomskih glavnih skupin po ATC-klasifikaciji so povezane z ukrepi reguliranja cen za posamezna zdravila in v času. Najbolj so se znižale cene zdravil tistih anatomskih glavnih skupin z večjim številom generičnih zdravil in zdravil z možnostjo zamenljivosti, obratno pa najmanj zdravila, pri katerih je manj generikov in so možnosti zamenljivosti omejene ali pa jih sploh ni. Ta so celo porasla.Background: This paper analyses the impact of price regulation at the first level of anatomic-therapeutic-chemical (ATC) classification of medicines in order to present their developments by medicines structure. Methods: The analysis included 760 regulated wholesale prices of medicines prescribed on outpatient prescription, which are partly or completely financed by public expenditures in the period 20032010. They are classified at the first level, i.e., anatomic main groups by ATC classification. The impact of price regulation on the patterns in wholesale price developments of medicines is estimated by the Lasyperes index and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: The Laspeyres index confirmed the reduction in regulated wholesale prices of medicines for the majority of anatomical main groups of medicines by ATC classification in the years 20032010. With some exceptions, this finding was also confirmed by statistically significant differences in the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Conclusions: Differences in the movement of wholesale prices of anatomic main groups of medicines by ATC classification are associated with the measures of price regulation for medicines and over time. The greatest reductions in prices of medicines are found for the anatomic main groups with a greater number of generic medicines and interchangeable medicines and vice versa, the least reductions or even increases are found for medicines with fewer generic medicines and limited or even nonexistent interchangeability
Keywords     zdravila