Author/Editor     Šmit, Jasna; Leskovic, Ljiljana
Title     Zlorabe starostnikov na primeru doma za starejše
Translated title     Elder abuse in old people's homes
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 4
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 338-344
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Zlorabe in nasilje so dejanja, ki osebo prizadenejo proti njeni volji. Namen prispevka je predstaviti problem zlorab nad starostniki in ugotoviti, kolikšno je poznavanje in zavedanje tega problema med negovalnim osebjem. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Podatki za raziskavo so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo strukturiranega vprašalnika. Vprašanja so bila sestavljena s pomočjo pregleda strokovne literature obravnavanega področja. Raziskava je potekala med zaposlenimi v Domu starejših občanov Bor v Črnem Vrhu nad Idrijo leta 2010. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 delavcev zdravstvene nege in oskrbe v domu starejših občanov, in sicer 24 žensk ter 6 moških. Največ sodelujočih (n = 23) je imelo poklicno izobrazbo za bolničarja in izobrazbo pete stopnje zdravstvene smeri. Anketiranci v večini poznajo telesno, duševno in spolno zlorabo (n = 28). Najpogostejše žrtve zlorab so dementni (n = 26) in nepomični starostniki (n = 24), najpogostejši povzročitelji so sostanovalci v domu (n = 27). Zlorabe so se najpogosteje (n = 22) zgodile v popoldanskem času, ob delavnikih, v sobi starostnika. Zaposleni, ki so bili priča nasilju, so se v 2,5 % pogovorili s starostnikom. 25 anketirancev bi želelo več pogovorov na temo nasilja in zlorab na delovnem mestu z vodjo službe zdravstvene nege in oskrbe. 5 anketirancev ni izrazilo želje po dodatnem usposabljanju na temo nasilja. Diskusija in zaključek: Če želimo nasilje zmanjšati in omejiti, se ga moramo najprej zavedati in poznati njegovo problematiko. Najpogostejše žrtve zlorab so dementni in nepomični starostniki, najpogostejši povzročitelji pa sostanovalci v domu. Večina anketirancev bi želela izobraževanja na temo zlorabe in nasilja nad starostniki.Introduction: Abuse and violence are acts that hurt another person and are done against her/his will. The objective of this survey was to present the problem of elder abuse and to determine the level of awareness and knowledge of the issue among the healthcare providers. Methods: For this study, a descriptive research method was employed. The data were obtained through a structured questionnaire designed on the basis of the relevant literature review. The research was conducted among employees in the Home for the elderly Bor at Črni vrh above Idrija in 2010. Results: The study sample included 30 nursing care providers, 24 female and 6 male. The majority of respondents (23) were qualified nursing aids or possess the fifth level of vocational health education. Most of the respondents were aware of the elder physical, mental and sexual abuse (n = 28). The most common victims of abuse are dementia patients (n = 26) and the residents who are largely immobile (n = 24), and the most common perpetrators of abuse are the victims' room-mates orother fellow residents (n = 27). The abuses identified occurred mostly in the victims' rooms, during the afternoon of weekdays (n = 22). A negligible percentage (2.5 %) of the employees who witnessed the acts of violence, discussed the incident with the victim. The need to confer about the issue of abuse and violence in the workplace with head nurses was acknowledged by 25 respondents while the remaining five did not express any interest in gaining additional knowledge on abuse and violence inflicted upon the elders. Discussion and conclusion: In order to prevent and suppress elder abuse and violence, it is imperative that both professionals and lay persons become more aware of the scope and issues surrounding this sensitive and extremely complex problem. The most common victims of abuse are people with dementia as well as immobile and totally dependent residents. The perpetrators of abuse are most often their fellow home residents. Most of the respondents recognize the importance of additioal education to strengthen their capacity to identify, respond to and minimise the risks of elder abuse.
Keywords     zloraba
negovalno osebje
healthcare personnel