Author/Editor     Podlesnikar, Tomaž; Podbregar, Matej
Title     Ishemično kondicioniranje
Translated title     Ischemic conditioning
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj 24. strokovni sestanek internistov; 2012 sep 28-29; Ljubljana Ljubljana : Združenje internistov SZD
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 101-106
Language     slv
Abstract     Sodobni trendi raziskav, kako zmanjšati obseg AMI, se premikajo na področje zaščite srčne mišice pred okvaro, ki nastane v obdobju ishemije in zgodnje reperfuzije. Znano je namreč, da lahko reperfuzija povzroči letalno poškodbo srčnomišičnih celic. Vzporedno s kopičenjem znanja o odgovornih molekularnih mehanizmih so se razvile nove metode, s katerimi je moč reperfuzijsko poškodbo omiliti. Zanje je bil skovan nov termin - kondicioniranje srca. Ločimo farmakološko kondicioniranje, ko poskušamo srčno mišico zaščititi s pomočjo kemijskih spojin, in ishemično kondicioniranje, ko to dosežemo s pomočjo krajših obdobij ishemije. Postopki se med seboj razlikujejo tudi po tem, ali jih izvajamo pred, med ali tik po koncu miokardne ishemije. Pričujoči prispevek podaja kratek pregled obstoječih metod kondicioniranja srca in izpostavlja najobetavnejše nove tehnike, ki bodo morda kmalu zaživele v širši klinični praksi.Modern trends how to reduce the burden of AMI, lean towards protecting myocardial cells from injury, caused by ischemia and early reperfusion. Recently we have become aware of the concept of lethal reperfusion injury and since then our knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms has greatly expanded. Novel strategies have been discovered how to prevent reperfusion injury in a special term has been coined from them - conditioning of the heart. Principally, we differentiate between pharmacological conditioning, where the heart is protected by pharmacological substances, and ischemic conditioning, where cardioprotective effect is achieved by means of short episodes of non-lethal ischemia. These strategies can be applied before or during ischemic injury as well as immediately after the beginning of reperfusion. The following article represents a short review of currently known conditioning techniques, emphasising those that seems the most promising to become implemented in clinical practice in the near future.
Descriptors     Reperfusion Injury
Reperfuzijska poškodba
Myocardial Infarction
Miokardni infarkt
Myocardial Ischemia
Miokardna ishemija
Keywords     srce, kondicioniranje
ishemično kondicioniranje
farmakološko kondicioniranje
letalna reperfuzijska poškodba