Author/Editor     Bilban, Marjan; Zaletel-Kragelj, Lijana
Title     Basic occupational health indicators on sick leave
Type     članek
Source     In: A handbook for teachers, researchers and health professionals : analysis - planning - evaluation Lage : Jacobs
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 289-294
Language     eng
Abstract     Monitoring of health-related phenomena at workplaces is of utmost importance in the process of making workplaces safer and healthier. There exist several different occupational health indicators. A group of occupational health indicators on sick leave or sickness absence is a group of major indicators which provides information on the health status of the employed people. In this module, four basic indicators are presented indicating occupational health in general namely sick leave percentage, frequency index, severity index, and inactivation index.
Keywords     health indicators
occupational health