Author/Editor     Urlep, F
Title     Učne delavnice - oblike izobraževanja iz splošne medicine - pričetki v Sloveniji
Translated title     Workshops - a kind of continuous medical education in general practice - historical views in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Kersnik J, editor. Zagotavljanje kakovosti 1994. 11. učne delavnice za zdravnike splošne medicine. Ljubljana: Sekcija za splošno medicino Slovenskega zdravniškega društva,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 9-14
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with origin of the term workshop and with ideas on poromoting this kind of education. Influences through international meeting are outlined. First workshops, participants and organizers are mentioned. The author sees meaningful contribution of workshops to the knowledge in general practice also in future.