Author/Editor     Marković, Michaela; Perković, Teuta; Prlić, Nada; Pajnkihar, Majda
Title     Izkustvena teorija duhovne oskrbe v praksi zdravstvene nege
Translated title     An experiential theory of spiritual care in nursing practice
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Publication year     2014
Volume     str. 64-68
Language     hrv
Abstract     Introduction Studies have shown that people who have high levels of spiritual well-being are physically, mentally and socially healthier. The selected theory is based on spirituality. It is necessary to describe, analyze and evaluate the theory prior to its acceptance. Methods The literature was searched through the center of the online database and search engines (EBSCO, MEDLINE, OVID), and available online articles and books. Given that there is no nursing literature nor published researches on Croatian language the keywords used while searching were English terms from MeSH %spirituality% and %nursing theory%. Results By searching, 210 articles in PubMed were found, of which 13 available in complete form. During a search of databases, works on the subject of spirituality, and the importance of spirituality in health care have been found. However, there is a small number of articles directly concerning theoretical framework of spiritual care and the ways in which it can be provided. The initial theoretical framework of analyzed theory consists of a process composed of 7 categories and related subcategories. Discussion and conclusion The nursing researches of spiritual care had focused on fact what is spirituality and spiritual care in nursing practice and what are the these spiritual interventions. However there is a lack of literature on spiritual care and the ways of its application. Analysed theory has seven clearly elaborated categories which if followed allow application of theory to practice. The theory can be applied to all sites.
Keywords     nursing theory
spiritual care