Author/Editor     Stangler Herodež, Špela
Title     Povezava med smehom in geni
Translated title     Connection between laughter and genes
Type     članek
Source     In: Smeh: dopolnilna terapija. 2. mednarodni kongres smeha Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 33-38
Language     slv, eng
Abstract     Kljub temu, da tradicionalna medicina potrjuje vpliv čustev na razvoj najrazličnejših bolezni, se skrivamo pred resnico in raje verjamemo, da prihaja bolezen od zunaj, neodvisno od nas, ali pa jo genetsko podedujemo. Pri tem pozabljamo, da je gene treba vklopiti, kar lahko storijo zunanji dogodki ali svobodna volja. Nismo na milost in nemilost prepuščeni svojim vsemogočnim genom, ampak so geni pogosto prepuščeni nam. Nesporno je,da lahko dejavnost v možganskem "centru za srečo" sprožimo z namernim smehom brez razloga, prav tako kot lahko sprožimo nasmeh s srečnimi mislimi. Če se smehljamo, se resnično počutimo bolje. "Fizično" je lahko na razpolago "vedenjskemu", hkrati pa "fizično" sledi "psihičnemu". Um poganja telo, ki poganja genom. Smeh nas zasidra v trenutek "tukaj in zdaj". Je nesporno in znanstveno dokazano najboljše zdravilo za vse ljudi ter tegobe na svetu. Zdravi bolne, žalostne in osamljene. Je zaklad, ki ima neprecenljivo vrednost; ne moremo se ga naučiti, preprosto ga imamo ali pa nimamo. Razpoloženje, um, osebnost in vedenje so dejansko socialno določeni, vendar to ne pomeni, da niso določeni tudi biološko. Socialni vpliv na vedenje deluje prek vklapljanja in izklapljanja genov. Nekateri ljudje so občutljivejši na zunanje dražljaje kot drugi. To je resničnost genov in okolja, v katerem živimo. Socialno vedenje ni le niz zunanjih dogodkov, ki presenetijo naš um in telo. Je neločljiv del našega bivanja in naši geni so programirani tako, da oblikujejo socialno vedenje in se nanj tudi odzivajo.Although the traditoinal medicine confirmed the impact of emotions on the development of various diseases, we are still hiding from the truth and we belive that illness comes from the outside, independently of us, or is genetically inherited. In doing so, we forget that the genes need to be activated with the help of outside events of free will. We are not left to our almighty genes, but genes are ofen left to us. It is unquestionable that the activity in the brain "in the center of happiness" may be initiated with an intensional laugh without reason, just like you can start a smile with happy thoughts. If we smile, we feel better. "Physical" may be available to "behavior", at the same time "physical" is following by "psychological". The mind runs the body, which runs the genome. Laughter anchored us in the moment "here and now". It is unquestionably and scientifically proven that it is the best medicine for all people and sorrows in the world. Heal the sick, sad and lonely people. It is a treasure with priceless value. We cannot learn to laugh, we simply have it or not to have it: Mood, mind, personality and behavior are social determined, but this not mean that they are also not determined biologically. Social influences are acting on behavior through the switching of genes. Some people are more sensitive to external stimulations than other are. This is the reality of genes and environment in which we live. Social behavior is not just a series of external events, which surprise or mind and body. It is an integral part of our existence and our genes are programmed to form social behavior and they are responding to it.
Descriptors     Laughter Therapy
Smeh, zdravljenje