Author/Editor     Gavrić-Lovrec, Vida; Vlaisavljević, Veljko; Kovačič, Borut; Gorenjak, Maksimiljan; Reljič, Milan
Title     Usefulness of follicular fluid estradiol and progesterone concentration measurement in predicting outcome of IVF/ICSI natural cycles
Translated title     Uporabnost merjenja koncentracije estradiola in progesterona v folikularni tekočini pri napovedovanju izida IVF/ICSI postopka v naravnem ciklusu
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 1
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 39-45
ISSN     1855-5640 - Acta medico-biotechnica : AMB
Language     eng
Abstract     Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti ali lahko na osnovi koncentracije estradiola (E2) in progesterona (P) ter njunega razmerja v folikularni tekočini predvidimo izhod IVF/ICSI postopkov v naravnih ciklusih. Metode: V raziskavo smo vključili 91 žensk, pri katerih smo naredili 150 postopkov IVF/ICSI (78 IVF in 72 ICSI) v naravnem ciklusu. Folikularno tekočino smo zbrali pri aspiraciji foliklov. S t-testom testom smo primerjali koncentracije E2 in P v folikularni tekočini (FT) in njuno razmerje (FT P/FT E2) med ciklusi z uspešno (z jajčno celico) in ciklusi z neuspešno (brez jajčne celice) aspiracijo foliklov, med ciklusi z oploditvijo in ciklusi brez oploditve jajčne celice in med ciklusi z zanositvijo in ciklusi brez zanositve. Rezultati: Jajčno celico smo dobili v 123 (86,7 %) ciklusih, do oploditve je prišlo v 84 (68,3 %) in zanositve v 21 ciklusih (delež zanositve na ciklus 14,0 %). Povprečna koncentracija E2 v FT je bila 3530 +/- 1339 nmol/L, povprečna koncentracija P v FT 20649 +/- 9489 nmol/L in povprečna vrednost razmerja FT P/FT E2 7,18 +/- 6,42. Povprečne vrednost E2, P in njunega razmerja v FT se niso statistično pomembno razlikovale med ciklusi z uspešno in neuspešno aspiracijo jajčnih foliklov, med ciklusi z in brez oploditve jajčne celice in med ciklusi z in brez zanositve. Zaključek: Na osnovi vrednosti E2 in P v folikularni tekočini ne moremo predvideti uspešnosti postopkov IVF/ICSI v naravnem ciklusu.Purpose: The aim of the study was to establish whether follicular fluid (FF) estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) measurement could be used to predict the outcome of unstimulated IVF/ICSI cycles. Methods: 91 women underwent 150 unstimulated IVF/ICSI cycles (78 IVF and 72 ICSI). Follicular fluid samples were collected at the time of oocyte recovery. Using the ttest, FF E2 and FF P levels and their ratios (FF P/FF E2) were compared between cycles with successful (with oocyte) and unsuccessful (without oocyte) oocyte recovery, between cycles with and without fertilization and between nonconception and conception cycles. Results: The oocyte recovery rate was 86.7% (123/150), the fertilization rate 68.3% (84/123) and the pregnancy rate per oocyte recovery 14.0% (21/150). The average FF E2 level was 3530 +/- 1339 nmol/L, average FF P 20649 +/- 9489 nmol/Land average FF P/FF E2 ratio 7.18 +/- 6.42. There were no statistically significant differences in FF E2, FF P levels and their ratio between cycles with unsuccessful and successful oocyte recovery, between cycles without and with fertilization, and between nonconception and conception cycles. Conclusion: From the FF E2 and P levels and their ratio, it is not possible to make inferences to the likelihood of oocyte recovery, fertilization and conception in unstimulated IVF/ICSI cycles.
Descriptors     Fertilization in Vitro
Oploditev in vitro
Treatment Outcome
Izid zdravljenja
Follicular Fluid
Folikularna tekočina