Author/Editor     Eleršek, Tina
Title     The advantages of flow cytometry in comparison to fluorometric measurement in algal toxicity test
Translated title     Prednosti merjenja s pretočno citometrijo v primerjavi s fluorimetričnim merjenjem v strupenostnih testih z algami
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 55, št. 2
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 3-11
ISSN     1408-3671 - Acta Biologica Slovenica
Language     eng
Abstract     Fluorometric measurements in algal toxicity tests are very commonly used as surrogate parameters for algal biomass. Although, fluorometry is a powerful technique, we have demonstrated that it is not suitable for determination of toxic effects of chemicals, which alter the fluorescence spectra. We recommendthe flow cytometry as the best technique for detecting algal and/or cyanobacterial cell count and fluorescence per cell. Flow cytometry has many advantages: little volume of algal/cyanobacterial sample required, suitable also for little algal/cyanobacterial cells, distinction between live and dead cells. Furthermore, flow cytometry reveals the early changes in fluorescence spectra as a consequence of the specific chemicals presence or stress, even though the cell count is not yet affected (an early marker for ecotoxicology testing).V strupenostih testih z algami se zelo pogosto izvajajo fluorometrične meritvekot nadomestni parameter za biomaso alg. Čeprav je fluorimetrija zelo uporabna tehnika, smo pokazali, da ni primerna za določanje strupenih učinkov kemikalij, ki spremenijo spekter fluorescence. Za določanje števila alg in/alicianobakterij in njihove fluorescence na celico priporočamo uporabo pretočne citometrije. Uporaba pretočne citometrije za zaznavanje alg in/ali cianobakterij ima mnogo prednosti: majhni volumni vzorca alg/cianobakterij, primerno tudi za majhne celice alg/cianobakterij, razlikovanje med živimi in mrtvimi celicami. Poleg tega pretočna citometrija razkrije zgodnje spremembe vspektru fluorescence, ki so posledica prisotnosti specifičnih kemikalij oz. stresa, čeprav število celic še ni spremenjeno (zgodnji marker v ekotoksikoloških testiranjih).
Keywords     algae
ecotoxicity test
flow cytometry
ekotoksikološki test
pretočna citometrija