Author/Editor     Kobentar, Radojka
Title     Celostni pristop k ugotavljanju in obravnavi bolečine pri obolelih za demenco
Translated title     Comprehensive approach to the assessment and treatment of pain in dementia patients
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 48, št. 3
Publication year     2014
Volume     str. 227-237
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Neustrezna obravnava bolečine pri obolelih za demenco je neposredno povezana s slabšim kognitivnim funkcioniranjem, izgubo komunikacijskih sposobnosti ter omejitvami pri izražanju bolečine. Namen prispevka je predstavitev znanstvenih dokazov s področja ocene bolečine pri obolelih za demenco. Metode: Uporabljen je sistematični pregled znanstvene in strokovne literature, omejene na objave v angleščini, nemščini in slovenščini ter izdajo v časovnem obdobju 2007-2013. Izbor člankov je bil določen glede na naslednje kriterije: dostopnost, znanstvenost, vsebinska ustreznost in aktualnost. Podatki so bili po izboru obdelani s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo. Rezultati: Z vsebinsko analizo 16 znanstvenih besedil so podana temeljna izhodišča za oceno in obravnavo bolečine pri obolelih za demenco. Tako je bilo identificiranih pet vsebinskih kategorij: razlogi za bolečino, spremljajoči znaki, instrumenti za ugotavljanje bolečine, zdravstvena obravnava in vloga medicinske sestre. Diskusija in zaključek: Priporoča se, da se ocena bolečine pri obolelih za demenco obravnava celostno v kontekstu vedenjskih motenj, funkcioniranja in življenjskih pogojev. Na podlagi izsledkov bi bilo potrebno za obolele za demenco uporabiti primeren instrumentarij, ki bo del standarda kakovostne obravnave, saj obstajajo omejitve v zvezi s preverjanjem v klinični praksi.Introduction: The improper treatment of pain is directly associated with the impairment of cognitive functioning, the loss of communication skills as well as the reduction of the ability to express pain. The aim of the paper is to present the scientific evidence in the field of the assessment of pain in dementia patients. Methods: Systematic review of scientific and professional literature was used, limited to publications in the English, German and Slovenian language and the publishing date (2007-2013). The selection of the results was based on the following criteria: availability, scientific basis, contextual relevance and topicality of the source. Subsequently, the data were processed with the qualitative content analysis. Results: Basic principles for the assessment and treatment of pain in people with dementia were extracted through the content analysis of 16 scientific texts. Five content categories were identified: reasons for the pain, accompanying signs, pain assessment tools, medical treatments and the role of nurses. Discussion and conclusion: It is suggested that the comprehensive approach be adopted in the assessment of pain in dementia patients within the context of behavioral problems, their functioning and living conditions. Based on the present findings it would be necessary to adopt appropriate tools for the dementia patients as a part of the quality standard treatment due to limitations in verification within clinical practice.
Keywords     bolečine
kognitivno funkcioniranje
zdravstvena obravnava
cognitive functioning
medical treatment