Author/Editor     Čokolič, Miro
Title     Problemi medikamentoznega zdravljenja osteoporoze
Translated title     Adherence, persistence, compliance in osteoporosis treatment
Type     članek
Source     In: Zlom kolka v Sloveniji 2000-2010. VIII. Celjski dnevi; 2011 mar 18-19; Portorož Celje : Splošna in učna bolnišnica
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. 131-136
Language     slv
Abstract     Adherenca za zdravljenje osteoporoze je slaba in bolnice imajo kljub zdravljenju povišano tveganje za zlom. Osteoporoza je najbolj razširjena presnovna kostna bolezen in je eden glavnih zdravstvenih in socialno-ekonomskih problemov v svetu. Stroški zlomov so ogromni, v EU so 31,7 milijard evrov in bodo narasli na 76,7 milijard evrov v letu 2050, v ZDA pa več kot 19 milijard dolarjev v letu 2005. Osteoporoza je pomemben vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti starejše populacije. Z zdravim načinom življenja lahko preprečimo pojav bolezni. Bisfosfonate uspešno uporabljamo od 1990. leta. Danes lahko izbiramo med dnevno, tedensko ali mesečno tabletko in tromesečno ali letno i. v. terapijo. Pričetek zdravljenja osteoporoze med hospitalizacijo je zelo slab, samo 2 % bolnikov v ZDA dobiva idealno terapijo po zlomu kolka. Osteoporoza kot kronična bolezen potrebuje dolgoročno opazovanje in spremljanje bolnika ter dobro adherenco zdravljenja, ki jo izboljša uspešna komunikacija med zdravnikom in bolnikom. Le zavzet bolnik bo pridobival na kvaliteti kosti in si s tem zmanjšal tveganje za zlom.Adherence to anti-osteoporosis treatments is poor, exposing treated women to increased fracture risk. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent metabolic bone disease and is one of the significant medical and socio-economical problems all over the world. The total costs of fractures are enormous; in the EU 31.7 billion euros which were expected to increase to 76.7 billion euros in 2050 based on the expected changes in the demography of Europe. In the United States, the cost of the management of osteoporosis has been estimated at 19 billion dollars in 2005. Osteoporosis is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality of the elderly. With healthy way of life we can achieve bigger peak bone mass, slow decreasing of bone mass on and such a way hinder development of the osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates have been used in osteoporosis therapy since the early 1990s. Currently there are four options available in a daily, weekly or monthly oral dose and a quaterly I. V. dose; and in an annual I. V. dose. Rates of in-hospital intiation of osteoporosis treatment for hip fracture patients are very low and may represent an opportunity to improve care, only 2 % patients in USA were prescribed ideal therapy. Osteoporosis is a chronic disease, which needs long clinical observation and constant adherence to medication. Effective communication between doctor and patient, and follow-up visits that are more frequent would greatly improve the adherence to osteoporosis treatment modalities. Compliant patients achieved increases in bone mass density with simultaneous fracture risk reduction.
Descriptors     Osteoporosis
drug therapy
Zdravljenje z zdravili