Author/Editor     Lanišnik, Boštjan; Ravnik, Janez; Čizmarevič, Bogdan; Bunc, Gorazd
Title     Razširjeni endoskopski endonazalni pristop do tumorjev lobanjske baze
Translated title     Expanded endonasal approach for tumours of the cranial base
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj 6. kongres otorinolaringologov Slovenije; 2012 okt; Ljubljana Ljubljana : Medicinski razgledi
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. supl. 4
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 113-117
Language     slv
Abstract     Razširjeni endoskopski endonazalni pristop spada med malo invazivne pristope do lobanjske baze. Pri tem pristopu skupina kirurgov uporablja izključno endoskop kot sredstvo za vizualizacijo operativne votline, kar omogoči dostop do lobanjskega dna skozi naravne odprtine (nosnici). Posebej prilagojeni instrumenti in endoskop pa kljub minimalno invazivnemu dostopu omogočajo enak obseg operacije kot pri klasičnih pristopih. Predstavljamo rezultate in nabor bolnikov, ki so bili v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Maribor operirani s transnazalnim pristopom od julija 2006 do januarja 2012.The expanded endonasal approach is regarded as minimally invasive surgery of the cranial base. This approch takes advantage of the nasal cavity that borders to the cranial base and uses it as a natural surgical corridor to the structures in the central skull base. The endoscope is the sole instrument used for visualisation of the surgical field. Specially-designed instruments and an endoscope enable the surgical team to perform the surgery in the same extent as in conventional approaches. In this article we present the results and patients that were surgically managed with expanded endonasal approach at the Maribor University Medical Centre between July 2006 and January 2012.
Descriptors     Skull Base
Lobanjska baza
Surgical Procedures, Operative
Kirurški postopki, operativni