Author/Editor     Nahtigal, Maja; Levart, Sara; Rebol, Janez
Title     Tuberkuloza srednjega ušesa, prikaz primera
Translated title     Tuberculosis of the middle ear, case report
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj 6. kongres otorinolaringologov Slovenije; 2012 okt; Ljubljana Ljubljana : Medicinski razgledi
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. supl. 4
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 357-361
Language     slv
Abstract     Tuberkuloza je kronična sistemska infekcijska bolezen, ki jo povzroča Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Histološko so zanjo značilni kazeozni granulomi, ki nastajajo zaradi celičnega odgovora prizadetega tkiva na povzročitelja in nezmožnosti gostitelja, da bacil uniči. Tuberkuloza srednjega ušesa je zelo redka oblika kroničnega vnetja srednjega ušesa. Klinična slika je pestra in neznačilna. Pojavlja se lahko pri mladig, zdravih ljudeh. Klasična triada tuberkuloznega vnetja: neboleča otoreja, multiple perforacije bobniča, pareza obraznega živca; je redka. Zaradi pestre klinične slike in neznačilnega poteka moramo nanjo posumiti in vanjo usmeriti diagnostiko. Počasi napreduje, je neodzivna na običajno antimikotično in antibakterijsko terapijo ter na kirurško zdravljenje. Osrednji pomen za njeno zdravljenje imajo tuberkulostatiki.Tuberculosis is a chronic, systemic infectious disease, caused by Myobacterium tuberculosis. Histologically, it manifests itself as caseous granulomas due to cell response of the involved tissues, targeted against the infectious agent and the host's inability to destroy the bacilli. Tubercuslosis of the middle ear is a very rare form of chronic middle ear inflammation. Clinical findings are highly variable and non-specific. The disease can be encountered in otherwise healthy young individuals. The classical triad of symptoms - painless otorrhoea, multiple perforations of the tympanic membrane, facial nerve paralysis - is usually absent. It has an indolent course and is resistant to conventional antimicrobial and surgical treatment. Because of all this, a high index of suspicion must be maintained in order to confirm tuberculosis and start proper treatment. Antituberculotic agents are paramount in avoiding the long-term sequelae of the disease.
Descriptors     Otitis Media
Srednje uho, vnetje
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic
Granulomatozna bolezen, kronična