Author/Editor     Loredan, Irena; Prosen, Mirko
Title     Kulturne kompetence medicinskih sester in babic
Translated title     Cultural competences of nurses and midwives
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 1
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 83-89
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     V obdobju globalne migracije se kaže potreba po znanju medicinskih sester in babic o različnosti kultur, s katerimi sobivajo, da bi lahko zagotavljale kulturno kompetentno zdravstveno in babiško nego. Medicinske sestre ali babice morajo prepoznati kulturne vrednote in njihov pomen za pacienta, družino ali širšo družbeno skupnost ter se na podlagi tega usmerjeno odločati in ohranjati kulturno integriteto pri izvajanju zdravstvene in babiške nege. Kulturne kompetence so opredeljene kot proces, v katerem uporabimo znanje o kulturi, iz katere izhaja pacient, na način, da je zdravstvena ali babiška nega prilagojena njegovim potrebam. V zdravstvu je najpogosteje uporabljen model oblikovanja kulturnih kompetenc model kulturnih kompetenc po Campinha-Bacote. Le-ta je označen kot dinamični proces, ki vključuje integracijo kulturnega zavedanja, poznavanja kultur, kulturne spretnosti oz. veščine, srečanje kultur in željo po kulturni osveščenosti. Izvajanje kulturnih kompetenc predstavlja integralni element v prizadevanju za odpravo neenakosti v zdravstvu.In the times of global migration, it is of utmost importance that nurses and midwives possess adequate knowledge of different cultures that enables them to provide effective and culturally competent nursing and midwifery care. Nurses and midwives must recognize cultural differences, values and their importance for the patient, their family or wider community. These observations present grounds for decision making and preservation of cultural integrity during nursing and midwifery care delivery. Cultural competence is defined as a process to achieve the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures in accordance with the cultural context and background of a client. The model of Campinha-Bacote cultural competence is the most widely used model of cultural competence in everyday health care delivery. This model is defined as a dynamic ongoing process which involves the integration of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounters and cultural desire which are the five constructs of cultural competence. Cultural competence represents an integral element in the elimination of disparities in health care.
Keywords     kultura
kulturne kompetence
zdravstvena nega
babiška nega
neenakosti v zdravstvu
cultural competences
disparities in health care