Author/Editor     Fidler, V; Prepadnik, M; Rakovec, P; Fettich, J; Hojker, S; Porenta, M; Grošelj, C
Title     Development of selective triggering of multigated studies
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik radova sa 9. međunarodnog simpozija projektiranje i proizvodnja podržani računalom; 1987 lis 14-15; Zagreb. Zagreb: Elektrotehnički fakultet,
Publication year     1987
Volume     str. 465-71
Language     eng
Abstract     Some methodological and technical improvements of gated acquisition were developed and tested. An ideal system for selective physiological cycle acyuisition would be such that every heart cycle would be recognized and classified in the appropriate representative image buffer in real time acquisition. For this purpose the special microprocessor analyser was developed to follow the physiological signal, recognize each type of cycle using ney tyo-parametrical method and send the appropriate code to acquisition system. For acquisition systems which have gate-to-gate limit the method of different time duration electronical disconnection of "z" impulse after definite peak shape detection was introduced in gated list mode acquisition. From recorded spatial, time and gate mark data the representative cycles for each type of heart cycle can be reconstructed.