Author/Editor     Burger, Helena; Marinček, Črt; Vidmar, Gaj
Title     Improving walking in persons after trans-femoral amputation by means of electrical stimulation
Translated title     Izboljšanje hoje pri osebah po nadkolenski amputaciji z uporabo električne stimulacije
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 3
Publication year     2014
Volume     str. 4-7
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     eng
Abstract     Izhodišča: Pogoj za hojo po nadkolenski amputaciji je zmožnost nadzora nadkolenske proteze, za kar oseba potrebuje močne mišice krna. Namen naše študije je bil ugotoviti, ali električna simulacija velike zadnjične mišice na amputirani strani izboljša nadzor kolenske proteze brez zaklepa in hojo pri osebah po nadkolenski amputaciji. Metode: Dvaintrideset moških po nadkloenski amputaciji, ki so bili sprejeti na rehabilitacijo in prej niso nikoli hodili s protezo, smo po naključju razdelili v dve skupini po 16 oseb: skupino, ki je prejela električno stimulacijo (ES) in kontrolno skupino. Pred odpustom smo ocenili zmožnost nadzora kolenske proteze brez zaklepa, prehojeno razdaljo, potrebo po berglah in zmožnost vzpeti se po stopnicah. Rezultati: Ob sprejemu med skupinama ni bilo razlik glede starosti, vzroka amputacije, stanja krna, prehojene razdalje, vzpenjanja po stopnicah in potrebe po berglah. Šest oseb iz skupine z ES in tri iz kontrolne skupine so lahko nadzorovale kolensko protezo brez zaklepa in so zato dobile tovrstno protezo. Osebe iz skupine z ES so ob odpustu v splošnem lahko prehodile daljšo razdaljo in manj jih je za hojo potrebovalo bergle kot osebe iz kontrolne skupine. Zaključek: Električna stimulacije velike zadnjične mišice izboljša nadzor kolenske proteze brez zaklepa in hojo pri osebah po nadkolenski amputaciji.Background: A precondition for walking after trans-femoral amputation is successful control of the above-knee prosthesis for which the person needs strong muscles of the stump. The goal of the present study was to determine whether electrical stimulation of the great gluteal muscle on the amputated side improves the control of an unlocked prosthetic knee and walking of persons after trans-femoral amputation. Methods: Thirty-two men after trans-femoral amputation who came to their first rehabilitation session and had never walked with a prosthesis before were randomly divided into two groups of 16 persons: a group that received electrical stimulation (ES group) and a control group. Before discharge the ability to control unlocked prosthetic knees, walking distance, need for crutches and ability to climb stairs were evaluated. Results: There was no difference between the two groups in age, cause of amputation, condition of the stump, walking distance, climbing of stairs and need for crutches at admission. Six persons who received ES and three from the control group were able to control the unlocked prosthetic knee and therefore received one. The persons from the ES group walked significantly longer before discharge and had less need for crutches while walking than persons from the control group. Conclusions: Electrical stimulation of the great gluteal muscle improves control of an unlocked prosthetic knee and walking of persons after trans-femoral amputation.
Descriptors     Amputation
Electric Stimulation
Keywords     trans-femoral amputation
nadkolenska amputacija
električna stimulacija