Author/Editor     Gosenca, Mirjam; Gašperlin, Mirjana; Kristl, Julijana
Title     Iritativni kontaktni dermatitis: od mehanizmov do vrednotenja iritantov
Translated title     Irritative contact dermatitis: from mechanisms of irritation to irritants¼ assessment
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 3
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 145-152
ISSN     0014-8229 - Farmacevtski vestnik
Language     slv
Abstract     Koža je največji in tudi najvidnejši organ človeškega telesa, katere glavna naloga je zaščita organizma pred škodljivimi zunanjimi vplivi. Zaradi pogostih stikov s številnimi snovmi so tudi vnetne reakcije na koži številne. Iritativni kontaktni dermatitis je definiran kot neposredna vnetna reakcija izzvana ob stiku z iritantom. Klinična slika se razlikuje glede na značilnosti dražeče snovi, okolja ter organizma samega. Iritant je lahko katerakoli snov, ki poškoduje celice, če je v stiku s kožo v zadostni koncentraciji in dovolj dolgo. Iritativni kontaktni dermatitis, ki zajema kar 80% vseh kontaktnih dermatitisov, je v članku predstavljen kot biološki proces z značilno patofiziologijo in klinično sliko. Opisana sta dva bistvena mehanizma, vpletena v njegov nastanek, in sicer poškodba zaščitne plasti kože ter neposredni učinki iritantov na celice kože. Ravno poglobljeno razumevanje iritativnega kontaktnega dermatitisa na celični oziroma molekularni ravni omogoča napredek na področju razvoja novih alternativnih metod za vrednotenje draženja kože.The skin is the largest as well as prominent organ of human body, most importantly protecting us from harmful environmental hazards. Cutaneous inflammatory reactions are common adverse effect in humans due to frequent contacts with heterogeneous substances. Irritative contact dermatitis is a term used to describe any inflammatory reaction resulting from skin contact with an irritant. It reflects in different clinical entities with respect to irritant properties, environment and the host organism itself. An irritant is any agent, physical or chemical, that is capable of producing cell damage, if applied for sufficient time and in sufficient concentrations. Irritative contact dermatitis that accounts for approximately 80% of clinically recognized contact dermatitis is presented as biological event with a distinct pathophysiology and clinical appearance. Two distinct pathways by which irritants initiate and modulate irritation, i.e. via damage of the barrier function of stratum corneum and by direct effects of irritants on cells of the skin, are introduced. Moreover, only in-depth understanding of irritative contact dermatitis on cellular and molecular level can lead to novel alternative models for skin irritation assessment.
Keywords     iritacija
kontaktni dermatitis