Author/Editor     Kegl, Barbara
Title     Osveščenost staršev po preventivnih obiskih otrok na primarnem nivoju
Translated title     Awareness of parents on preventive examinations children
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 62-66
Language     slv
Abstract     Osveščanje staršev o pomenu preventivnih obiskov otrok je pomembna naloga patronažnih medicinskih sester in medicinskih sester v otroških dispanzerjih. Otroci imajo v okviru obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja zagotovljene različne preventivne dejavnosti v Sloveniji. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti razlike v informiranosti staršev o pomenu preventivnih pregledih otrok glede na spol in izobrazbo anketirancev. Metode Uporabljen je bil kvantitativen raziskovalni pristop. Podatki so bili zbrani z anketiranjem 72 staršev predšolskih otrok. Instrument raziskave je bil strukturiran vprašalnik. Statistična analiza je bila opravljena s pomočjo programa SPSS 20.0. Za ugotavljanje statistično pomembnih razlik med posameznimi spremenljivkami smo uporabili opisno statistiko in x2 test. Statistično značilnost smo preverjali na ravni 5 % tveganja (p % 0,05). Rezultati Starši so v povprečju dobro informirani o pomenu preventivnih pregledih otrok. Statistično pomembne razlike v informiranosti staršev o pomenu preventivnih pregledih otrok glede na starost staršev (p = 0,021 ) ter glede na izobrazbo (p = 0,045) obstaja le pri dveh od šestih trditev. Diskusija in zaključki Varovanje in krepitev zdravja otrok je najpomembnejše področje na primarni ravni. Cilj zdravstvene vzgoje je informirati in motivirati starše, da aktivno skrbijo za zdravje otroka.Parents must be aware about preventive check-ups. Community nurses and nurses in dispensaries for preschool children have a very important role. In the framework of compulsory health insurance, children in Slovenia have access to different preventive activities. The aim of the survey was to identify differences in parental familiarity with importance of children%s preventive visits by age and education of the respondents. Methods We used a quantitative research approach. Data were collected by interviewing 72 parents of preschool children. Instrument research was structured questionnaire. The obtained data were statistically analysed by using SPSS 20.0. To determine statistically significant differences between variables, we used descriptive statistics and x2 test. We verified the statistical significance level of 5% of the risk (p % 0.05). Results We found out that parents are, on average, wellinformed on screening children. Statistically significant differences in informing parents about importance of preventive examinations of children by the age of the parents (p = 0.021) and level of education (p = 0.045) are only in two of the six claims. Discussion and conclusions Protecting children's health is the most important area at the primary level. The aim of health education is to inform and motivate parents to actively take care of their health and the health of the child.
Keywords     medicinske sestre
patronažno varstvo
community nursing