Author/Editor     Šelekar, Lea; Fijačko, Nino; Štiglic, Gregor
Title     Sodelovanje med ekipami nujne medicinske pomoči in prostovoljnimi gasilci
Translated title     Cooperation between the teams of emergency medical services and volunteer firefighters
Type     članek
Source     In: Zdravstvene stroke in njihov odziv na zdravstvene potrebe družbe: na dokazih podprto in usklajeno delovanje : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo, Bled, 11.-12. junij 2015 : = Proceedings of lectures with peer review, 11th - 12th June 2015, Bled Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 152-159
Language     slv
Abstract     Teoretična izhodišča: Dobro sodelovanje med ekipami nujne medicinske pomoči (NMP) in gasilci je izjemno pomembno, saj so ti običajno prvi pri oskrbi poškodovancev na terenu. Metoda: Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodologijo. Vprašalnik so anketiranci reševali v pisni in elektronski obliki. Vprašanja so zajemala oceno medsebojnega sodelovanja, ukrepe prve pomoči in potrebe po načinu dodatnega izobraževanja. Prostovoljni gasilci (PRG) (N = 84) so izvajali samooceno, zdravstveni delavci (N = 28) pa so ocenjevali njih. Analiza podatkov je potekala z inferenčnimi statističnimi metodami v programu IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Rezultati: Člani ekip NMP so sodelovanje s PRG ocenili s povprečno oceno 2,96 (SD = 0,19), PRG pa z 2,73 (SD = 0,47). Oboji so podali visoko povprečno oceno, pri tem obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike med skupinama, t (112) = 2,58, p = 0,01. Prav tako so bila razhajanja, t (112) = 2,97, p = 0,01, v povprečni oceni znanja o ukrepih prve pomoči PRG. Med anketiranci si je 95 % PRG in 93 % članov NMP želelo dodatnega izobraževanja. V nadaljevanju so si največ izobraževanj želeli kot medsebojno izvajanje praktičnih scenarijev, %2(1, N = 106) = 5,17, p = 0,02. Razprava: Raziskave poudarjajo vpliv dobrega sodelovanja ekip na kakovost in pravočasnost oskrbe poškodovancev na terenu. Poznavanje poteka reševanja in utečeno delovanje sta ključnega pomena. Največ k izboljšanju pripomorejo skupna praktična izobraževanja. V Sloveniji je malo opravljenih raziskav s področja nudenja ukrepov prve pomoči s strani PRG, opravijo pa veliko prostovoljnih delavnih ur v primeru različnih nesreč.Introduction: Good and efficient cooperation between the teams of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and firefighters is extremely important, since the members of both teams are usually the first who treat trauma in the case of various accidents. Methods: We used the quantitative research methodology. The questionnaire was filled in written and electronic form and included the evaluation of mutual cooperation, the first aid measures and the needs of additional education. Firefighters (N = 84) made a self-evaluation and were assessed by EMS team members (N = 28). Data analysis, including inferential statistical methods, was done using IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Results: Members of EMS evaluated the cooperation between both teams with an average rating of 2.96 (SD = 0.19), however, firefighters have evaluated it with 2.73 (SD = 0.47). Both groups provided high average grade with statistically significant differences between groups, t (112) = 2.58, p = 0.01. There are also discrepancies, t (112) = 2.97, p = 0.01, in assessment of the first aid measures knowledge of firefighters. The research has shown that among respondents 95 % of firefighters and 93 % members of EMC would prefer further education. They both wish for further education in the form of mutual implementation of practical scenarios %2(1, = 106) = 5.17, p = 0.02.Discussion: Studies highlight the impact of good cooperation among teams on the quality and reduction of time to treatment of the injured on the ground. The acquaintance with the course of rescue and well conducted operation are crucial. Joint practical trainings contribute the most to the improvement. In Slovenia, there is a lack of research in the field of first aid measures provided by volunteer firefighters. Statistical data suggest that firefighters carry out the majority of voluntary hours in the case of various accidents.
Keywords     medsebojno sodelovanje
nujna medicinska pomoč
prostovoljni gasilci
emergency medical services
volunteer firefighters