Author/Editor     Selič, Polona; Stare, Ana
Title     Dejavniki, povezani z oceno preteklih izkušenj z izbranim zdravnikom družinske medicine
Translated title     Patient's assessment of past experiences with their family physicians
Type     članek
Source     In: Zdravstvene stroke in njihov odziv na zdravstvene potrebe družbe: na dokazih podprto in usklajeno delovanje : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo, Bled, 11.-12. junij 2015 : = Proceedings of lectures with peer review, 11th - 12th June 2015, Bled Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 127-136
Language     slv
Abstract     Teoretična izhodišča: Odnos med bolnikom in zdravnikom družinske medicine temelji na zaupanju, ki je povezano s preteklimi izkušnjami. Študija preverja, ali so značilnosti bolnika, zdravnika in trajanje odnosa med njima povezani z bolnikovo oceno preteklih izkušenj s tem zdravnikom. Metoda: Junija 2013 so zdravniki Zdravstvenega doma Radovljica po opravljenem pregledu vsakega petega bolnika povabili k prostovoljnemu in anonimnemu sodelovanju. Odzvalo se je 510 bolnikov (100 %), tisti z diagnozo demence niso bili vabljeni, popolnih je bilo 478 (93,7 %) vprašalnikov. Predhodno preverjen vprašalnik je vključeval podatke o bolniku; spol in starost zdravnika, lestvico Zaupanje v zdravnika (Cronbach % = 0,795) in značilnosti vedenja zdravnika (Cronbach % = 0,965). Izvedene so bile bivariantna in faktorska analiza, povezanost demografskih dejavnikov, vedenja/ravnanja, komuniciranja in odnosa družinskega zdravnika s preteklimi izkušnjami bolnika je bila izračunana na podlagi linearne regresije. Vrednost p < 0,05 je označevala mejo statistične pomembnosti. Rezultati: Bolniki so bili stari 52 (52,0 % 16,7) let, 274 (57,3 %) je bilo žensk in 204 (42,7 %) moških, svoje splošno zdravstveno stanje so ocenili med nevtralno in dobro (3,7 % 0,8). Z linearno regresijsko analizo (F=8,427; df=24; p<0,001) je bilo pojasnjeno 31 % variance ocene preteklih izkušenj z izbranim zdravnikom, s katero je bila osnovnošolska izobrazba bolnikov negativno (% = -0,14; p=0,008), dobronamernost in kompetentnost zdravnika pa pozitivno povezana (% = 0,37; p<0,001). Razprava: Pozitivne izkušnje z izbranim zdravnikom so bile povezane z zaupanjem v tega zdravnika. Izsledke je potrebno preveriti na reprezentativnem vzorcu obiskovalcev ambulant družinske medicine ter jih uporabiti kot osnovo za edukacijo specializantov in zdravnikov družinske medicine.Introduction: The relationship between a patient and the family physician (GP) has been shown to be mainly based on the patient`s trust and that trust has been shown to be associated with patient%s past experiences. This survey aimed to determine whether the patient`s, GP`s and the patient-GP relationship`s characteristics were associated with the assessment of patient%s experiences with GPs. Method: In June 2013, GPs in Radovljica Community Health Centre invited every fifth patient, after carrying out a consultation to anonymously participate in the survey. Patients with dementia were excluded and 510 patients voluntarily agreed to participate (100 % response rate). In further analysis 478 (93.7 %) complete questionnaires were used. A previously validated questionnaire consisted of the patient%s characteristics, the gender and age of the GP, the Trust in Physician Scale (Cronbach % = 0.795), and the Humanistic Behaviours Questionnaire (Cronbach % = 0.965). After a bivariate and a factor analysis, the association between the demographic characteristics, the GP%s behaviour/conduct, the GP`s communication and the patient%s assessment of their past experiences with the GP were identified using linear regression modelling. The value of P < 0.05 was set as the limit of statistical significance. Results: The mean age of the patients was 52 (52.0 % 16.7) years; 274 of them (57.3 %) were women and 204 (42.7 %) were men, their self-rated health status was between neutral and good (3.7 % 0.8). Linear regression modelling explained 31 % of the variance of the past experience assessment in patients (F = 8.427; df = 24, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.309), which was negatively associated with only elementary school education (% = -0.14; p = 0.008) and positively associated with the GP`s benevolence and competence (% = 0.37; p <0.001). Discussion: The patient%s experiences with GPs were shown to be associated with trust in GPs. The findings of this study are to be verified on a representative sample of family medicine attendees, and thereafter used as a basis for competence building and education planning in family medicine trainees and GPs.
Keywords     past experiences
family physician
pretekle izkušnje
zdravnik družinske medicine