Author/Editor     Zurc, Joca
Title     Edukacija v zdravstvu
Type     članek
Source     In: Zdravstvene stroke in njihov odziv na zdravstvene potrebe družbe: na dokazih podprto in usklajeno delovanje : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo, Bled, 11.-12. junij 2015 : = Proceedings of lectures with peer review, 11th - 12th June 2015, Bled Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 188-195
Language     slv
Abstract     Teoretična izhodišča: Edukacija v zdravstvu je ena izmed temeljnih poti za doseganje sprememb na področju skrbi za zdravje pri posamezniku in v družbi. Nosilno vlogo na tem področju v zdravstvenem sistemu ima zdravstvena nega. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati pogled magistrskih študentov zdravstvene nege na edukacijo v kliničnem okolju. Metode: Raziskava temelji na empiričnem kvalitativnem metodološkem pristopu. Osem magistrskih študentov izrednega študija zdravstvene nege na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Jesenice je v študijskem letu 2012/2013 sodelovalo pri pol-strukturiranem intervjuju z naslovom %Jaz kot učitelj in mentor v klinični praksi - pogled magistrskih študentov zdravstvene nege%. Dobljene odgovore smo analizirali s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo. Rezultati: Dobljeni kvalitativni rezultati so pokazali pet ključnih tem edukacije v zdravstvu z vidika magistrskih študentov: pomen terminologije za razumevanje edukacije v zdravstvu, namen izvajanja edukacije v zdravstvu, samo-ocenjevanje znanja izvajalcev na področju edukacije, didaktični pristopi k edukaciji v zdravstvu ter uporaba pisne učne priprave. Najbolj popularni didaktični pristopi za izvedbo edukacijskih aktivnosti pri magistrskih študentih so učne metode demonstracije, razgovora, razlage in praktičnih del, individualna oblika dela ter uporaba učil kot so zloženke, modeli in predmeti iz kliničnega okolja. Noben izmed študentov ni navedel, da pred izvedbo edukacije pripravi pisno učno pripravo. Razprava: Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo na potrebo po standardiziranih pristopih edukacije v zdravstvu, ki jih je možno doseči s pisno učno pripravo in izobraževanjem medicinskih sester. V prihodnjih raziskovanjih je potrebno pozornost posvetiti razvoju didaktičnih pristopov edukacije v zdravstvu, z namenom spodbujanja, varovanja in krepitve zdravja vseh starostnih skupin prebivalstva.Introduction: Health education is one of the fundamental strategies for changes in health improvements by an individual and society. The nursing profession has the leading role in this process in health care system. The purpose of our study was to gain insight into the health education in clinical setting from the perspectives of nursing master's students. Methods: The research design was empirical qualitative interview study. Eight part-time nursing master's students at the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice in the academic year 2012/2013 participated in semistructured interviews, entitled Me as a teacher and mentor in the clinical setting - perspectives of nursing master's students. Collected data was analysed with the content qualitative analysis. Results: Qualitative results extracted five main themes regarding health education implementation in health care system from the perspectives of nursing master%s students: Importance of health education terminology for understanding health education, purpose of health education implementation, self-assessment of health education knowledge, pedagogical strategies in health education, and health education implementation based on or without written teaching plan. The most popular pedagogical strategies of health education used by the nursing master students are demonstration, discussion, explanation, practical work, individual approach, and integration of leaflets, models, and objects from the clinical setting. No students declared to write and use the teaching plan before the health education implementation. Discussion: The results showed a need for standardized approaches of health education in health care system, which can be reached with the written teaching plan, and permanent learning education of nurses in clinical organizations. In the further research it is important to put attention on development and enforcement of pedagogical strategies in health education with intention to reinforce safety and strengthening health of the whole population.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
visoko šolstvo
klinična praksa