Author/Editor     Mali, Brigita; Močnik, Lara; Skela-Savič, Brigita
Title     Pogled medicinskih sester na napake pri deljenju zdravil v Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inštitutu Republike Slovenije - Soča
Type     članek
Source     In: Zdravstvene stroke in njihov odziv na zdravstvene potrebe družbe: na dokazih podprto in usklajeno delovanje : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo, Bled, 11.-12. junij 2015 : = Proceedings of lectures with peer review, 11th - 12th June 2015, Bled Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 274-280
Language     slv
Abstract     Teoretična izhodišča: Napake pri deljenju zdravil so ene najpogostejših napak, s katerimi se soočajo medicinske sestre pri svojem delu. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti povezanost med napakami pri deljenju in dajanju zdravil in izobrazbo medicinskih sester v Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inštitutu Republike Slovenije (URI - Soča). Metoda: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja, anketni vprašalnik. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 62 anketirancev. Vprašalnik je vseboval 13 vprašanj. Primerjave med skupinami so bile narejene na podlagi hi-kvadrat testa, Spearmanovega korelacijskega koeficienta, t testa za neodvisne vzorce in ANOVE. Rezultati: Iz analize podatkov je razvidno, da obstaja statistično pomembna razlika med najpogostejšimi vzroki za napake pri deljenju zdravil in oddelkom. Izobrazba medicinskih sester je statistično pomembno povezana s poročanjem o napakah (p=0,014). Preobremenjenost medicinskih sester je pomembno povezana le z napako napačna identifikacija pacienta (p=0,013), ne pa tudi z ostalimi vrstami napak. Razprava: Po mnenju tujih avtorjev je najpogostejši vzrok napake pri deljenju zdravil nečitljivo napisano zdravilo, kar potrjujejo tudi ugotovitve naše raziskave. V URI - Soča srednje medicinske sestre o napaki najprej poročajo svojemu sodelavcu, medtem ko diplomirane medicinske sestre o napaki najprej poročajo zdravniku. Iz raziskave sklepamo, da bi računalniški zapis na temperaturni list omogočal lažje branje in posledično zmanjšal možnost napake. Potrebne so nadaljnje raziskave.Theoretical basis: Giving the wrong medication and using the wrong route of administration are the most common errors that all nurses encounter during their work. The main purpose of this study is to determine the connection between the errors in administrating medication, the wrong route of administration and education of nurses at the Soča University Rehabilitation Institute of The Republic of Slovenia (URI - Soča). Method: We used the descriptive method of research, namely a questionnaire. There were 62 participants involved in our study. The questionnaire contained 13 questions. Comparison between groups was made on the basis of the chi-squared test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, the independent samples t-test and ANOVE. Results: The analysis of the data shows that there is a statistically significant difference among the most common causes of errors in administrating medication and our department. Education of nurses is statistically significant, when it is associated with reporting errors (p=0,014). Work overload of nurses is only significantly associated with the error of misidentifying the patients (p=0,013) and not with other types of errors. Discussion: According to foreign authors the most common cause for errors (associated with administration of medication) is an illegible hand-written medication. The findings of our study also confirmed that fact. Nurses at the URI - Soča first report their errors to their co-workers, while registered nurses first report their errors to the doctor who is treating the patient. It can be concluded from the study that medications in the patients' medical records should be written down with the help of a computer and not hand written by doctors. This would facilitate reading and consequently reduce the possibility of errors. However, further research is definitely needed.
Keywords     organizacija javnega zdravstva
medicinske sestre