Author/Editor     Mlakar, Maja; Burger, Helena; Toman, Petra; Vidmar, Gaj
Title     Zadovoljstvo oseb po amputaciji zgornjega uda s protezo
Translated title     Satisfaction with prosthesis after upper limb amputation
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 14, št. 1
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 51-56
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Ena od možnosti rehabilitacije oseb po amputaciji zgornjega uda je oskrba z ustrezno protezo. Rehabilitacija s protezo bo uspešna, če bo oseba protezo sprejela in uporabljala. Ker so po izkušnjah tima za rehabilitacijo oseb po amputaciji zgornjega uda osebe različno zadovoljne s protezami, smo želeli od uporabnikov izvedeti, s čim so ali niso zadovoljni in na katere dejavnike moramo biti pri oskrbi s protezo za zgornji ud v prihodnje še posebej pozorni. Metode: V študijo smo vključili odrasle osebe po enostranski amputaciji zgornjega uda (amputacija v zapestju ali višja amputacija), ki protezo za zgornji ud uporabljajo že vsaj dve leti. Pripravili smo vprašalnik in z njim intervjuvali vključene osebe. Vprašalnik sestavlja 6 vprašanj in 8 štiristopenjskih ocenjevalnih lestvic. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 19 oseb: 5 žensk in 14 moških, v povprečju starih 50 let (od 20 do 84 let). Ugotovili smo, da so bile vključene osebe najbolj zadovoljne z načinom nameščanja in snemanja proteze ter njenim videzom, najmanj pa z zračnostjo proteznega ležišča, uporabnostjo pri dnevnih dejavnostih in s funkcionalnostjo. Le štiri od vključenih oseb so zračnost ocenile z dobro, velika večina s slabo. Slaba polovica vključenih je bila nezadovoljna s trpežnostjo protez. Udobnost ležišča pa je dobri dve tretjini vprašanih ocenila z dobro in odlično, le dva s slabo. S težo proteze sta bila nezadovoljna dva uporabnika estetskih protez; ravno tako štirje od šestih uporabnikov funkcionalno mehanske proteze ter uporabnica električne proteze. Zaključek: Osebe z amputacijo zgornjega uda, vključene v našo študijo, so najbolj zadovoljne z načinom nameščanja in snemanja proteze ter videzom, najmanj pa z zračnostjo proteze ter z njeno uporabnostjo pri dnevnih dejavnostih in funkcionalnostjo.Background: One of the options for rehabilitation after upper limb amputation is prosthetic fitting. Rehabilitation with a prosthesis will only be successful if the person accepts and uses the prosthesis. The experience of our specialised rehabilitation team is that satisfaction varies greatly among prosthesis users after upper limb amputation. Hence, we wanted to ask the users what are they satisfied with and what they are not satisfied with regarding prosthesis provision, and thus determine to which factors should we pay particular attention in the future. Methods: The study involved adults after unilateral upper limb amputation (with amputation at the level of wrist or higher) who had been using the prosthesis for at least two years. We designed a questionnaire and used it to interview the participants. The questionnaire consists of 6 questions and 8 four-point rating scales. Results: We recruited 19 participants (5 women and 14 men), aged 50 years on average (range from 20 to 84 years). We found out that the users ratings were the highest for donning and doffing procedures and prosthesis' looks, and the lowest for venting of the socket, usefulness of the prosthesis in daily activities and the prosthesis' functionality. Only four participants rated venting as god, the majorit rated it as poor. Nearly one half of the participants were not satisfied with the prosthesis' durability; comfortableness of the socket was rated as good or excellent by more than two thirds of the participants (only two rated it as poor). Two users were not satisfied with the weight of their aesthetic prosthesis, and so were four of the six users of a body-powered prosthesis, as well as the user of an electric prosthesis. Conclusion: The persons after upper limb amputation included in our study were the most satisfied with the donning and doffing procedures the looks of the prosthesis, and the least satisfied with the venting and the usefulness of the prosthesis in daily activities.
Descriptors     Hip Fractures
Guidelines as Topic
Quality of Life
Keywords     upper limb amputation
upper limb prosthesis
user satisfaction
amputacija zgornjega uda
proteza za zgornje ude
zadovoljstvo uporabnikov