Author/Editor     Kovač, Sonja; Ferjan, Marko
Title     Primerjava poznavanja otrokovih pravic med starši hospitaliziranih otrok in medicinskimi sestrami
Translated title     Comparison of the awareness of children's rights in parents of hospitalised children and nurses
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 49, št. 3
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 214-221
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Pravice bolnih otrok imajo v modernih družbah status samostojnih pravic, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati in ustrezno varovati. Odvisne so od razvitosti družbe in zmogljivosti zdravstvenega sistema in bi jih morali poznati zdravstveni delavci, starši, skrbniki in otroci. Namen raziskave je bila primerjava poznavanja pravic otrok v bolnišnici med starši hospitaliziranih otrok in medicinskimi sestrami. Metode: Uporabljena je bila neeksperimentalna metoda raziskovanja, podatki so bili zbrani z strukturiranim vprašalnikom na vzorcu staršev hospitaliziranih otrok (n = 49) in medicinskih sester (n = 60). Vprašalnik je bil predhodno testiran. Za analizo zbranih podatkov smo uporabili osnovno deskriptivno statistiko ter bivariatno analizo (test hi-kvadrat, t-test). Rezultati: Raziskava pokaže statistično značilne razlike med starši in medicinskimi sestrami v stopnji seznanjenosti s pravicami bolnih otrok, ki temeljijo na Listini Evropskega združenja za pravice otrok v bolnišnicah (t = 5,828, p < 0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Poznavanje pravic otrok v bolnišnici je višje pri medicinskih sestrah kot pri starših hospitaliziranih otrok. Razlike so največje glede poznavanja načina komunikacije medicinskih sester s starši, glede razporeditve otrok na oddelke in ustvarjanja pogojev za igro ter izobraževanje v času bivanja v bolnišnici in glede pogojev sprejema v bolnišnico. Med obema skupinama ni razlik v oceni tega, v kolikšni meri se pravice otrok, ki temeljijo na Listini Evropskega združenja za pravice otrok v bolnišnicah, spoštujejo, obe skupini ocenjujeta, da je stopnja spoštovanja pravic dokaj visoka.Introduction: The rights of sick children have the status of independent rights in modern societies and must be considered and protected accordingly. Those rights depend on the level of development of a society and its healthcare system. The rights of sick children should be familiar especially to healthcare providers, parents or legal guardians and also to children. The paper aims to present a comparative review of the knowledge of the children's rights in hospital in two research groups, the parents and nurses. Methods: For the study, the non-experimental research method was applied. The data were collected though a structured questionnaire on a sample of parents of hospitalised children (n = 49) and nurses (n = 60). Prior to the survey the questionnaire was tested on a smaller sample. The data derived from the survey were processed and analysed statistically, using the basic descriptive statistics and a bivariate analysis (chi-squared test, t - test). Results: A statistically significant difference was established between the parents and the nursing staff in the level of acquaintance with the rights of sick children, based on Magna Charta (t = 5.828, p < 0.001). Discussion and conclusion: According to the research findings, the knowledge of the sick children%s rights in hospital is better in nursing professionals than in parents of hospitalized children. The greatest difference between the two groups was observed with regard to knowing the way of communication of nurses with parents, the assignment of children to departments, the conditions for play and education during the child%s stay in hospital, and the conditions for admittance to hospital. No significant difference was found between the two groups in their estimation of the extent to which the rights of children are respected and the relatively high level of respect of these rights.
Keywords     otroci
medicinske sestre