Author/Editor     Hovnik-Keršmanc, M
Title     Neposredni vzroki smrti po zlomih kolka zaradi slučajnih padcev v Sloveniji
Translated title     Immediate causes of death following hip fracture due to accidental fall in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. 5
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 257-60
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The hip fracture is important for the public health service in Slovenia. Therefore, it was desired to investigate the immediate causes of death following hip fracture and how they are influenced by sex, age, marital status, place of death (in hospital/at home), the area of death (the public health service region), the accompanying diseases. Methods. It was a retrospective investigation using the data from the International Form of Medical Certificate of the Cause of Death and the Registration of Death. The inhabitants aged 50 years and over, who died in the period from 1987 to 1991 in Slovenia due to hip fracture following an accidental fall (underlaying cause of death), codes N 820 and E 880-E 888 by the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death, 9th revision (ICD), were included in the study. Results. The most frequent immediate causes of death (subgroup of ICD) were: in 26.6 percent of cases pneumonia/influenza, in 18.5 percent other forms of heart disease, in 14.0 percent disease of pulmonary circulation, in 13.0 percent ishaemic heart disease, and in 5.9 percent cerebrovascular disease. Mortality differed significantly between sexes for the diseases of pulmonary circulation (p=0.03), between the two places of death for other forms of heart disease (p less th. 0.01) and for cerebrovascular disease (p=0.03), between areas of death for pneumonia/influenza (p less th. 0.01), for other forms of heart disease (p=0.01) and for ishaemic heart disease (p less th. 0.01), the recorded accompanying diseases for pneumonia/influenza (p less th. 0.01), the absence of the recorded accompanying diseases for the diseases of pulmonary circulation (p less th. 0.01). Conclusions. Sex, place of death, area of death and the accompanying diseases influence the occurence of some immediate causes of death following hip fracture as a consequence of an accidental fall. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Zlom kolka je pomemben javnozdravstveni problem v Sloveniji. Avtorjica je želela raziskati neposredne vzroke smrti po zlomih kolka ter vpliv spola, starosti, zakonskega stanu, mesta smrti (v zdravstveni ustanovi, drugje), kraja smrti (zdravstvena regija) in spremljajočih bolezni nanje. Metode. Raziskava je bila retrospektivna s podatki iz Zdravniških potrdil o smrti in o vzroku smrti in Prijave smrti. Vključili so prebivalce, stare 50 in več let, ki so umrli v Sloveniji v obdobju 1987-1991 zaradi zloma kolka po slučajnem padcu (kode N 820 in E 880-E 888 po Mednarodni klasifikaciji bolezni, poškodb in vzrokov smrti, IX. revizija (MKB)). Rezultati. Najpogostejši neposredni vzroki smrti (podskupine MKB) so bili: v 26,6 odst. pljučnica/gripa, v 18,5 odst. druge oblike bolezni srca, v 14,0 odst. bolezni pljučnega obtoka, v 13,0 odst. ishemična bolezen srca in v 5,9 odst. cerebrovaskularna bolezen. Umrljivost se je statistično pomembno razlikovala med spoloma za bolezni pljučnega obtoka (p=0,03), med mestoma smrti za druge oblike bolezni srca (p manjše kot 0,01) in za cerebrovaskularno bolezen (p=0,03), med kraji smrti za pljučnico/gripo (p manjše kot 0,01), za druge oblike bolezni srca (p=0,01) in za ishemično bolezen srca (p manjše kot 0,01), za zapisane spremljajoče bolezni za pljučnico/gripo (p manjše kot 0,01) in njihovo odsotnost za bolezni pljučnega obtoka (p manjše kot 0,01). Zaključki. Na nastanek nekaterih neposrednih vzrokov smrti po zlomih kolka zaradi slučajnih padcev vplivajo spol, mesto smrti, kraj smrti in spremljajoče bolezni. Razlike v umrljivosti med populacijskimi skupinami so lahko odraz resničnih razlik v frekvenci bolezni ali so umetne.
Descriptors     HIP FRACTURES