Author/Editor     Pavlin, R
Title     Ateroskleroza in rdeče vino
Translated title     Atherosclerosis and red wine
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. 5
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 275-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Recent findings regarding the importance of oxydised low density lipoproteins for development of atherosclerosis are presented. In this respect, a putative protective effect of flavonoids, present in the red wine, which act as antioxidants is described. The author points out that moderate red wine consumption seems to be good for health, but warns against danger of heavy drinking. However, some possible negative effects of flavonoids and antioxidants in general have also been reported, which argue for caution in advising wine consumption as a health promoting activity.
Summary     Prispevek predstavlja sodobne izsledke o oksidiranih LDL v zvezi z nastankom ateroskleroze. Posebej opisuje pomen flavonoidov iz rdečega vina kot antioksidantov. Poudarja korist zmernih odmerkov vina in nevarnosti velikih odmerkov alkohola. Na kratko omenja negativne učinke flavonoidov in antioksidantov. Svetuje previdnost pri svetovanju glede zdravilnega pitja vina.