Author/Editor     Babič, Petra; Strojan, Primož; Plavc, Gaber
Title     Primerjava intenzitetne modulirane in tridimenzionalne konformne tehnike obsevanja tumorjev glave in vratu
Translated title     Comparison of intensity modulated radiotherapy technique and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy technique for head and neck tumors
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 1
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 4-10
ISSN     1855-5136 - Bulletin: Newsletter of the Society of Radiological Engineers in Slovenia & the Chamber of Radiological Engineers of Slovenia
Language     slv
Keywords     radiotherapy
radiotherapy techniques
head and neck tumors
treatment plan comparison
radioterapevtska tehnologija
primerjava obsevalnih načrtov
tumorji glave in vratu
tehnike obsevanja