Author/Editor     Zalokar, J
Title     Zdravnik-pisatelj: preseganje, dopolnitev in potrditev poklica
Translated title     Doctor-writer: transcendence, supplement and corroboration of profession
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Med medicino in literaturo. 1. Pintarjevi dnevi: srečanje medikohistorikov Alpe-Jadran; 1994 okt 14-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 17-25
Language     slo
Abstract     A doctor has to transcend his profession in order to encompass the problem of health in its integrity and in the broadest sense of the word. Hence, the decision of many doctors to dedicate themselves to art, philosophy, politics etc. We wonder what is the message they are trying to convey to us. In this respect the paper deals with three doctors - writers: Magajna, čehov and Cronin. They consider the social and moral aspects, as wel as, diagnostics and therapy which are necessary in solving the non-medical problems of individuals and the society. Other sources of culture reveal the same elements; the Serbian folk-poetry and the epic poem "The mountain Garland" by Njegoš. These poems share the common ethos with medicine and doctors, who try to transcend the frontiers of medicine. This common ethos is expressed trough dedication to truth, as also professed by the Slovenian poet Prešeren in the Introduction to his poem "The Baptism at Savica"; in contradiction, of course, to his "second", defeated hero of the same poem, who surrenders to the enemy who has destroyed his army. The right purpose and a staunch devotedness to the endeavour to realize the aim, as well as a realistic appreciation of the situation are the three elements needed by the society for the solution of crisis at the end of the Millenium. Three doctors - writers presented in this paper can serve as examples of fulfilling this task.