Author/Editor     Glaser, E
Title     Vpliv Paracelsusove medicinske miselnosti na ustvarjalnost velikega pesnika in misleca Johanna von Goetheja v Faustu
Translated title     The influence of medical thought of Paracelsus on the creativity of the great poet and philosopher J. W. Goethe, as displayed in Faust
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Med medicino in literaturo. 1. Pintarjevi dnevi: srečanje medikohistorikov Alpe-Jadran; 1994 okt 14-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 65-76
Language     slo
Abstract     Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim - Paracelsus, a medical doctor, alchemist, astrologer, physicist, philosopher, the reformer of medicine and everlasting wonderer, has been stirring the minds of writers for centuries; among those inspired by his knowledge were the biographers, philosophers, medical doctors, theologians and writers of all kinds. In this analysis we have followed Paracelsus' influence on one of the greatest poets and playwrights Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his creation of Faust. Paracelsus inspired Goethe's mystical or mythological characters, such as Furiae, Gratiae and Spirits. Both, Paracelsus and Faust practiced medicine, alchemy and magic except that Paracelsus remained a physician for his entire life, whereas Faust's contract with the Devil completely changed his life, as well as, his appearance. They both gathered the knowledge from their fathers, were of similar age and communicated with natural spirits. None of them got rich by practicing medicine, although both were hasty for knowledge, fame and gold. They differed, however, in the fact that Paracelsus led an asexual life as a bachelor, whereas Faust as Mephistopheles became a seducer. Nevertheless, they both enjoyed good food and drink and were involved in magic. Whereas Faust became a magician after his deal with Mefisto, Paracelsus had to be very careful at his time, since he could have experienced serious trouble or, even end up on a stake. In his own way, Goethe confronts Paracelsus' view on doctors as being put side with God, Saints and Apostoles, but from the verses is clearly stated that a man is only a human being: Gebilde, strebsam, Goetter zu erreichen, Und doch verdammt, sich immer selbst zu gleichen. Common to both is their contentment of mastering over nature, expressed in Faust's question: Wo tass ich Dich, unendliche Natur,... Can heart of man embrace illimitable Nature,...(trunc.)