Author/Editor     Drinovec, J; Pečovnik-Balon, B
Title     Rekombinantni humani eritropoetin I
Translated title     Recombinant human erythropoietin I
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. 7-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 433-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Human recombinant erythropoietin is a tissue hormone identical to that formed in human body. Several clinical studies have determined its effectiveness, tolerance and side effects. Results. Physiological and pharmacological studies have proven that erythropoietin was effective whether applied intravenously or subcutaneously. It has also been established that subcutaneous application three times a week was the most economical. Ninety-seven percent of patients suffering from anaemia associated with chronic renal failure responded to erythropoietin treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Studies have also shown some advantages of erythropoietin application for children born prematurely, in some infectious, inflammatory and malignant diseases, after allogeneous bone marrow transplantation as well as in some hemoglobinopathies and myelodysplastic syndrome. Conclusion. Human recombinant erythropoietin is an effective and relatively safe substitute medication for patients suffering from anaemia associated with renal failure. Incomplete improvement of p73 anaemia, which is usually achieved, contributes significantly to quality of life.
Summary     Izhodišča. Humani rekombinantni eritropoetin je tkivni hormon, identičen človekovemu. Številne klinične raziskave so opredelile njegovo učinkovitost, prenašanje ter sopojave. Rezultati. Fiziološke in farmakološke raziskave so dokazale klinično učinkovitost tako intravensko kot subkutano apliciranega eritropoetina. Najbolj ekonomično je subkutano dajanje trikrat tedensko. 97 odst. bolnikov z anemijo zaradi kronične odpovedi ledvic reagira od odmerka eritropoetina odvisno. V razsikavah se je potrdila še koristnost zdravljenja z eritropoetinom pri nedonošenčkih, pri nekaterih infekcijskih, vnetnih in malignih boleznih, po alogeni transplantaciji kostnega mozga in pri nekaterih hemoglobinopatijah ter mielodisplastičnem sindromu. Zaključek. Humani rekombinantni eritropoetin je predvsem učinkovito in relativno varno nadomestno zdravilo pri bolnikih z anemijo zaradi odpovedi ledvic. Nepopolno popravljanje anemije pri teh bolnikih pomembno izboljšuje kakovost življenja.
Descriptors     ERYTHROPOIETIN