Author/Editor     Plazar, Nadja; Žvanut, Boštjan
Title     Vpeljava e-izobraževanja v pedagoški proces Visoke šole za zdravstvo Izola, Univerze na Primorskem
Translated title     Introducing E-education in the pedagogy process of the College of nursing, Izola, University of Primorska
Type     članek
Source     In: Ustvarjalna organizacija. Zbornik 26. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti; 2007 mar 28-30; Portorož Kranj
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 1492-1497
Language     slv, eng
Abstract     V prispevku bomo predstavili vse faze projekta implementacije e-izobraževanja v študijski proces, to je: analizo obstojecega stanja in dolocitev študijskih podrocij, ki bi pridobila na kakovosti z vpeljavo e-izobraževanja; nacrtovanjee-izobraževanja s podrobnim nacrtom implementacije vkljucevanja v študijski proces; izvedbo in vpeljavo v študijski proces. Prispevek daje poudarek temu, da vpeljevanje e-izobraževanja ne pomeni samo vpeljavo nove tehnologije, temvec pomeni tudi spremembo obstojecega procesa izobraževanja. Zaradi tega je potrebno projekt vpeljave e-izobraževanja spremljati z vidika študijskega procesa in tudi z organizacijskega vidika. Študij visokošolskega strokovnega programa Zdravstvena nega ima veliko število klinicnih vaj (2300 ur v treh letih), ki potekajo v številnih ucnih bazah, ki so med seboj lahko precej oddaljene. Zaradi pomena kontakta študentov tako s pacientom kot predavateljem ter prostorske razpršenosti študentov smo se odlocili za vpeljavo e- izobraževanja pri klinicnih vajah iz zdravstvene nege. Zaradi navedenih dejavnikov smo se odlocili za vpeljavo t.i. kombiniranega (Blended e-Learning) e-izobraževanja, kjer e-izobraževanje podpira in dopolnjuje klasicen pedagoški proces.This article describes all the phases of e-Learning Project implementation into the pedagogical process. These include: analysis of the situation and definition of the study domains that will gain in quality with e-learning; planning of the e-learning project with a detailed scheme of its implementation; its realization and introduction into the study process. The article focuses on the fact that the introduction of e-learning means not onlyto use new technology but also to bring changes in the already existing study process. That is why the survey of the e-Learning Project implementationis important from both pedagogical as well as organizational point of view. The amount of hours, dedicated to clinical exercises (carried out in several clinical bases, situated far apart form each other) during the three-year undergraduate study of nursing care is quite high (2300 hours in three years). Our decision to introduce e-Learning for the purpose of clinicaltraining is based on the fact that a direct contact between students (often not living in the area of clinical bases) and patients as well as lecturers is very important. We opted for Blended e-Learning which supports and complements the traditional pedagogical process.
Keywords     e-izobraževanje
implementation project
blended e-learning