Author/Editor     Maksuti, Alem; Rotar-Pavlič, Danica; Deželan, Tomaž
Title     The analysis of Slovenian political party programs regarding doctors and health workers from 1992 to 2014
Translated title     Analiza programov slovenskih političnih strank v luči vsebin, povezanih z zdravniki in zdravstvenimi delavci od leta 1992 do leta 2014
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 55, št. 1
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 67-77
ISSN     1318-0657 - Zdravstveno varstvo
Language     eng
Abstract     Introduction. The study focuses on the programmatic bases of Slovenian political parties since independence. It presents an analysis of party programs and their preferences regarding doctors and other health workers, as well as the contents most commonly related to them. At the same time, the study also highlights the intensity of the presence of doctors on the policy agenda through time. Methods. In the study, 83 program documents of political parties have been analysed. The study includes programmes of political parties that have occurred in parliamentary elections in Slovenia between 1992 and 2014 and have exceeded the parliamentary threshold. The data were analysed using the content analysis method, which is suitable for analysing policy texts. The analysis was performed using ATLAS.ti, the premier software tool for qualitative data analysis. Results. The results showed that doctors and other health workers are an important political topic in noncrisis periods. At that time, the parties in the context of doctors mostly dealt with efficiency and the quality of services in the health system. They often criticize doctors and expose the need for their control. In times of economic crisis, doctors and other health workers are less important in normative commitments of parties. Conclusions. Slovenian political parties and their platforms cannot be distinguished ideologically, but primarily on the principle of access to government. It seems reasonable to conclude that parties do not engage in dialogue with doctors, and perceive the latter aspassive recipients of government decisions-politics.Izhodišča. Študija se osredotoča na programsko podlago delovanja slovenskih političnih strank po osamosvojitvi. Predstavlja analizo strankarskih programov in njihovih stališč do zdravnikov in drugih zdravstvenih delavcev ter vsebine, s katerimi jih najpogosteje povezujejo. Ob tem študija izpostavlja tudi intenzivnost prisotnosti zdravnikov na dnevnem redu politike skozi čas. Metode. V študiji je analiziranih 83 programskih dokumentov političnih strank, ki so med letoma 1992 in 2014 nastopile na volitvah v Državni zbor in presegle parlamentarni prag. Podatki so analizirani s pomočjo metode analize vsebine, ki je primerna za analizo političnih besedil. Analiza je bila izvedena s pomočjo programskega orodja za analizo kvalitativnih podatkov ATLAS.ti. Rezultati. Rezultati so pokazali, da so zdravniki in drugi zdravstveni delavci pomembna politična tema v obdobjih, ko ni kriz. Takrat se stranke v povezavi z zdravniki največ ukvarjajo z njihovo učinkovitostjo in kakovostjo storitev v zdravstvenem sistemu, pri čemer se pogosto izpostavljajo tudi kritike zdravnikov in potreba po njihovem nadzoru. V času gospodarske krize se kaže manjša pomembnost zdravnikov in drugih zdravstvenih delavcev v normativnem delovanju strank. Zaključki. Slovenske politične stranke se v svojih programskih izhodiščih ne ločijo po ideološki liniji, temveč predvsem po načelu dostopa do oblasti. Zaključiti velja, da stranke dialogu z zdravniki ne posvečajo pozornosti in dojemajo zdravnike kot pasivne prejemnike odločitev vlade oziroma politike.
Descriptors     Politične stranke
Political parties
Politični programi
Political programs