Author/Editor     Filej, Bojana; Kröpfl, Jasmina; Kaučič, Boris Miha
Title     Kakovost življenja starih ljudi s kroničnimi obolenji
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 18, št. 4
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 3-13
ISSN     1408-869X - Kakovostna starost
Language     slv
Abstract     Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kako so kronične bolezni povezane s kakovostjo življenja starih ljudi. Zbiranje podatkov je temeljilo na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. Za ugotavljanje kakovosti življenja smo uporabili SF 36 vprašalnik. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 100 anketirancev, starejših od 65 let, 38 % moških in 62 % žensk. S Pearsonovim koeficientom korelacije smo ugotavljali povezanost med številom kroničnih bolezni in številom doseženih točk v oceni stopnje kakovosti življenja. Rezultati so pokazali, da se z večanjem števila kroničnih bolezni zmanjšuje stopnja kakovosti življenja na vseh merjenih področjih zdravja, da je komponenta fizično zdravje nižje ocenjena kot komponenta mentalno zdravje in da je kakovost življenja višja pri moških. Z ozirom na merjena področja zdravja smo ugotovili, da so ob pojavu kronične bolezni potrebne ne le zdravstvena oskrba (fizična podpora), temveč tudi psihična, čustvena in socialna oskrba.The aim of the study was to identify how chronical illnesses influence the quality of life of the elderly. Data collection was based on quantitative research approach. The descriptive causal non-experimental method was used. In order to establish the quality of life of the respondents, SF 36 questionnaire was used. The final sample consisted of 100 respondents above the age of 65, 38 % of whom were men and 62 % women. With the Pearson correlation coefficient we established the correlation between the two variables (the number of chronic illnesses and the number od achieved points when evaluating the quality of life level). The results have shown that with the increased number of chronic illnesses there is a decrease in the quality of life level in all the measured areas of health, that the component %physical health% was lower rated than the component %mental health%, and that the quality of life is higher in men. Taking into consideration the measured areas of health, we have discovered that at the occurrence of a chronic illness not only nursing care (physical support) is neccessary, but also psychological, emotional and social care and support.
Keywords     kakovost življenja
stari ljudje
kronične bolezni
quality of life
older people
chronic illnesses