Author/Editor     Rakovec-Felser, Zlatka; Planinc, Špela; Matvoz, Marjanca; Vidovič, Lea
Title     Preparing patients to undergo surgery
Translated title     Priprava bolnikov na operacijo
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. [no.] 2
Publication year     2015
Volume     str. 39-51
ISSN     1855-5640 - Acta medico-biotechnica : AMB
Language     eng
Abstract     Namen: Zanimalo nas je, s kolišno anksioznostjo in kako se z njo spopada bolnik, medtem ko v bolnišnici čaka na operativni poseg. Metode: V raziskavo smo vključili 154 bolnikov s štirih različnih kirurških oddelkov. Med njimi je bilo 62 žensk in 92 moških v starosti od 24 do 86 let (s povprečno starostjo M = 58,8 let). Uporabili smo naslednje psihološke instrumente: polstrukturiran intervju, The State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA) in The Brief Cope Inventory. Rezultati: 50 % v raziskavo vključenih bolnikov je izjavilo, da se bojijo operacije, 28 % je strah anestezije ne glede na vrsto anestezije, 54% bolnikov pa je zaskrbljenih, kako bo po operaciji. Ženske so pogosteje izražale strahove in so tudi bile bolj zaskrbljene. Na uporabljenih preizkušnjah so izkazale več znamenj situacijske in stalno prisotne anksioznosti (Mas % SDas = 32,58 % 8,01; Mat % SDAT = 35,16 % 8,97; splošno Ma % SDa = 67,74 % 15,44) kot moški (Mas % SDas = 28, 11 % 6,21; Mat % SDat = 30,29 % 7,48; in general Ma % SDa = 58,40 % 12,74). V rizično skupino sodijo tudi starejši moški s šibko socialno podporo. Manj pogosto in manj neposredno izražajo svoje potrebe in čustva in so v svojem socialnem okolju manj aktivni v iskanju informacij in nasvetov. Zaključek: Ni potrebno, da bi bolnike vznemirjale bojazni in skrbi, sploh ker je znano, da zvišan nivo pacientove anksioznosti slabo vpliva na potek in izid kirurškega posega. Prav zato je pomembno, da se bolnikom, ki jih mučijo bojazni in skrbi, omogoči pomoč. Organizirana pre-operativna pomoč zahteva dobro usposobljen negovalni tim, ki razen poznavanja pojava anksioznosti obvlada tudi komunikacijske veščine in tehnike sproščanja.Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate patient anxiety levels and ways of coping, while they are waiting in the hospital to undergo surgery. Methods: One hundred fifty-four patients were included from four different surgical departments (62 females and 92 males), 24%86 years of age (mean age [M] = 58.8 years). The following instruments were applied: a semi-structured interview; the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety; and The Brief Cope Inventory. Results: One-half of the patients (50%) expressed a fear to undergo surgery; 28 % of the patients said that they were afraid of anaesthesia, regarderless of the type of anaesthesia, and 54% of patients expressed a fear and worry about the outcome of surgery. Women (Mas % SDas =32.58%8.01; Mat % SDat =35.16%8.97; in general, Ma % SDa =67.74%15.44) had state and trait anxiety significantly more often than men (Mas % SDas =28.11%6.21; Mat % SDat =30.29%7.48; in general Ma % SDa=58.40%12.74). Elderly males fall due to the received weak social support into the risk group of patients. They less often/less directly express their needs and emotions, and are less active in searching for information or advice in the social environment. In stressful situations, elderly males also frequently give up the attempt to obtain the goals with which the stressor is interfering. Conclusion: Patients who wait to undergo surgery should not suffer anxiety needlessly because it is known that anxiety has a negative impact on the course and outcome of surgical procedures. The pre-operative management of a patient%s anxiety is therefore important and a well-educated medical care team should be familiar with the appearance of anxiety, communication skills, and relaxation treatment.
Keywords     anksioznost
spoprijemanje s stresom
podporne intervencije
supportive interventions