Author/Editor     Fijan, Sabina; Grebenc, Martina; Gönc, Vida
Title     Herpes simplex virus type 2 - awareness of students
Translated title     Virus herpesa simplexa tip 2 - osveščenost dijakov
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 239-243
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod Nekateri povzročitelji spolno prenosljivih bolezni ostanejo v našem telesu za vedno, zato je pomembno, da se znamo pravilno pred njimi zaščititi. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti ali so dijaki dovolj osveščeni o spolno prenosljivi bolezni genitalni herpes, ali poznajo možnosti za prenos okužbe ter, če poznajo zaščito pred njo. Metode Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 20 vprašanj. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 80 dijakov. Rezultati Ugotovili smo, da so dijaki seznanjeni, da je virus herpesa simpleksa 2 virus, ki povzroča spolno prenosljivo bolezen genitalni herpes in, da se lahko okužijo z nezaščitenim spolnim odnosom. Diskusija in zaključek Pomembno je osveščati dijake še preden začnejo s spolnimi odnosi, da pridobijo znanje, kako pravilno zaščititi sebe in svoje partnerje. Zdravimo lahko samo znake genitalnega herpesa, zato je boljše okužbo preprečevati.Introduction Some causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases remain in the body indefinitely, so it is important that we protect ourselves from infection. With the research we wanted to explore, if students are aware of sexually transmitted disease genital herpes, if they know how genital herpes is transmitted and how to prevent the infection. Methods The survey was based on quantitative methodology. Data was collected using a questionnaire containing 20 questions. The study involved 80 students. Results We found that the students are aware that the herpes simplex virus 2 is a virus that causes the sexually transmitted disease genital herpes that that it is possible to become infected with unprotected sexual intercourse. Discussion and conclusion It is important to raise awareness among students, even before they start having sexual intercourse, so they gain knowledge how to properly protect themselves and their partners from infection. We can treat only signs of genital herpes, so it%s better to prevent the infection.
Keywords     herpesvirusi
causative agents