Author/Editor     Gönc, Vida; Lorber, Mateja; Nerat, Jasmina
Title     Kakovost problemov, obravnavanih pri problemskem učenju
Translated title     The quality of problems used in problem-based learning
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. 3
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 207-214
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Z vpeljavo problemskega učenja se je spremenil kontekst učenja. Z uporabo kakovostnih problemov v okviru problemskega učenja se spodbuja kritično mišljenje, skupinske interakcije, uporaba teorije v praksi. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti oceno študentov zdravstvene nege glede kakovosti problemov, obravnavanih v okviru problemskega učenja. Metode: Uporabljeno je bilo kvantitativno neeksperimentalno raziskovanje, podatki so bili zbrani s tehniko anketiranja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 196 študentov zdravstvene nege. Za obdelavo podatkov je bila uporabljena deskriptivna statistika, t-test in korelacijska analiza. Statistično značilnost smo preverjali na ravni 5% tveganja. Rezultati: Povprečne ocene vseh trditev, ki so se nanašale na oceno kakovosti problemov, obravnavanih v okviru problemskega učenja, so bile visoke ( > 4 od 5). Glede na način študija zdravstvene nege (redni, izredni študij) (t = %1,333, p = 0,558) in spol (t = 0,236, p = 0,354) ne prihaja do razlik v oceni kakovosti obravnavanih problemov. Ugotovljene so bile razlike v oceni kakovosti obravnavanih problemov glede na zaposlenost v zdravstvu (t = 2,109, p = 0,04) ter pozitivna šibka povezanost (r = 0,190, p = 0,002) med starostjo in oceno kakovosti obravnavanih problemov. Diskusija in zaključek: Raziskava pokaže visoko oceno kakovosti problemov, obravnavanih v okviru problemskega učenja, s čimer se pri študentih spodbuja samousmerjeno učenje, povečuje zanimanje za učno enoto in izboljšujejo motivacija za delo, komunikacijske spretnosti ter kritično razmišljanje. Nadaljnje raziskave bi bilo smiselno usmeriti v spremljanje vpliva problemskega učenja na učne izide ter uvedbo problemskega učenja v vse učne enote v okviru študija zdravstvene nege.Introduction: With problem-based learning the context of learning has changed. The use of problem-based learning promotes critical thinking, group interaction, and the use of theory in practice. The purpose of the research was to determine the nursing students' assessment regarding the quality of problems used in the context of problem-based learning. Methods: The study employed methods of quantitative non-experimental research and a survey data collection. A total of 169 nursing students participated in the study. The data were processed by descriptive statistics, t-test and correlation analysis. The statistical significance was tested at a 5% risk level. Results: The average of all items which were related to the assessment of the quality of problems in the context of the problem-based learning was high ( > 4 out of 5). Depending on the mode of study (t = -1.333, p = 0.558) and gender (t = 0.236, p = 0.354), there is no difference in the quality of self-assessment of problems within the problem-based learning. The findings of the study show that there is a statistically significant difference in self-assessment of the quality of problems in the context of the problem-based learning with regard to the employment in nursing (t = 2.109, p = 0.04) and that there is a weak positive correlation (r = 0.190, p = 0.002) between the age and the self-assessment of the quality of problems in the present problem-based learning. Discussion and conclusion: Research results reveal high average values of the quality of problems used in the problem-based learning, which result in positive encouragement of students for self-directed learning, increased interest in a learning unit, improved motivation, better communication skills and critical thinking. Further research would be needed to explore the impact of problem-based learning on learning outcomes and the introduction of problem-based learning in all learning units of the nursing study programme.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
nursing care