Author/Editor     Pečelin, Saša; Sočan, Maja
Title     Referenčne ambulante
Translated title     Reference outpatient clinics
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. 2
Publication year     2016
Volume     str. 157-162
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Referenčna ambulanta je ambulanta z razširjenim timom, katere članica je diplomirana medicinska sestra, ki je opolnomočena s podiplomskim znanjem. Raziskava prikazuje izkušnje diplomiranih medicinskih sester z referenčnimi ambulantami, dosedanje izobraževanje, zadovoljstvo z delom v referenčni ambulanti ter potrebe po dodatnih veščinah, znanju, dopolnitvah in spremembah. Metode: V raziskavi so sodelovale diplomirane medicinske sestre (n = 88) v referenčnih ambulantah iz 18 zdravstvenih domov. Strukturiran vprašalnik je vključeval demografska vprašanja in vprašanja, ki so se nanašala na zadovoljstvo diplomiranih medicinskih sester z delom in potrebo po izobraževanju. Zanesljivost instrumenta (Cronbach alfa) je bila 0,734. Uporabljeni so bili opisna statistika, hi-kvadrat test in Fisherjev test. Rezultati: Anketiranci so se strinjali, da z izobraževanjem pridobijo dodatna znanja (81,8 %), ki so koristna (73,9 %) in uporabna pri delu v referenčni ambulanti (72,7 %). Najbolj so se strinjali, da si izkušnje izmenjujejo s sodelavci (x = 4,2) in da so bolniki zadovoljni z njihovim delom (x = 4,2). Pri znanju anketirancev (hi-kvadrat = 20,734, p = 0,016) in predlogih izboljšav delovnega procesa (hi-kvadrat = 9,905, p = 0,007) so statistično pomembne razlike v povezavi s starostjo. Diskusija in zaključek: Raziskava pokaže, da so anketiranci delno zadovoljni na delovnem mestu. Treba bi bilo omogočiti napredovanje na delovnem mestu, dodatna izobraževanja, izboljšati informacijsko podporo in spodbujati podiplomsko izobraževanje.Introduction: A recently introduced reference outpatient clinic is administratively associated with a health center and includes specific provision for care management of primarily chronic diseases within the primary healthcare system. Findings reported in this paper relate to the position of registered nurses as part of an interprofessional team, the required knowledge, skills and competences of nurses, their further education and work satisfaction. Methods: A survey method was selected which, according to instrumentation, included a structured questionnaire. The latter asked about demographics, the nurses' workplace satisfaction and the perceived need for further education. The research sample consisted of registered nurses (n = 88) working in reference clinics within eighteen health centers. Reliability of the instrument (Cronbach alfa) was set at 0.734. Descriptive statistics, chi-square and Fisher's exact test were used. Results: The respondents stated that additional education provided new knowledge (81.8 %) which was helpful (73.9 %) and useful for daily routine (72.7 %). The highest level of agreement was achieved in the item stating that work experiences could be exchanged among the nurses themselves (x= 4.2) and that patients were satisfied with services provided (x = 4.2). The level of knowledge of respondents (hi-square = 20.734, p = 0.016) and the suggestions for work process improvement (hi-square = 9.905, p = 0.007) were statistically significantly different in regard to the respondents' age. Discussion and conclusion: The survey results show that the nurses are reasonably satisfied with their work in reference outpatient clinics. The nurses should, however, be provided the possibility of promotion and additional education. There is a need to better information support and to encourage postgraduate education of nurses.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
vodenje pacientov
kronične bolezni
zdravstvena vzgoja
promocija zdravja
patient management
chronic diseases
health education
health promotion