Author/Editor     Klobasa, F; Habe, F; Werhahn, E
Title     The absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn piglets. I. Effect of time from birth to the first feeding
Translated title     Untersuchungen uber die Absorption der kolostralen Immunglobuline bei neugeborenen Ferkeln. I. Mitteilung: Einfluss der Zeit von der Geburt bis zur ersten Nahrungsaufnahme
Type     članek
Source     Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 103, št. 10
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 335-40
Language     ger
Abstract     The effects of a delayed onset of feeding on the absorption of intact immunoglobulins from the small intestines was investigated in newborn piglets by using an automatic device ("artificial sow"). Fasting periods extended to a maximum of 24 hours and were followed by 12 hourly allotments of 25 ml of sow colostrum. The concentrations of immunoglobulins G, A and M were analyzed in plasma samples drawn before and after the onset of feeding. The capacity for Ig-absorption was not impaired by the fasting. The same plasma levels of 12 and 18 hours after the onset of feeding were obtained in piglets fed immediately after birth as observed with individual variations in all experimental groups, for which we could find no explanation. Our results indicate, that the absorptive ability of the intestinal epithelia for immunoglobulins is not timed from birth but rather from the onset of feeding.
Descriptors     ANIMALS, NEWBORN