Author/Editor     Ramšak-Pajk, Jožica; Poplas-Susič, Tonka
Title     Izkušnje medicinskih sester v patronažnem varstvu z obiski na domu v okviru projekta Nadgrajena celovita obravnava pacienta
Translated title     Experiences of community nurses with home visits in the framework of the Upgraded comprehensive patient care project
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. 1
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. 24-33
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Patronažno zdravstveno varstvo je pomemben člen pri odkrivanju, spremljanju in obravnavi kroničnih bolezni na primarni ravni. Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti izkušnje in stališča do nadgrajene preventivne obravnave ter obiskov na domu. Metode: Uporabljen je bil mešani raziskovalni dizajn. Podatki so bili zbrani z delno strukturiranim vprašalnikom (Cronbach % = 0,92). Sodelovalo je 50 diplomiranih medicinskih sester, odzivnost je bila 81-% (n = 41). Opravljena je bila tematska analiza odprtih vprašanj. Za kvantitativne podatke je bila uporabljena opisna statistika, t-test, analiza variance in korelacijska analiza. Rezultati: Prispevek preventivnih obiskov na domu anketiranci vidijo v zdravstvenovzgojnem delovanju (x = 4,34, s = 0,85), odkrivanju rizičnih dejavnikov (x = 4,12, s = 0,81) in ohranjanju kakovosti življenja pacientov (x = 4,10, s = 0,92). Zadovoljstvo anketirancev je povezano s sprejemanjem obiskov s strani pacientov in družin (r = 0,754, p < 0,001), s prispevkom k stroki patronažnega varstva (r = 0,766, p < 0,001) ter z obravnavo posameznika z družino (r = 0,693, p < 0,001). V tematski analizi sta bili identificirani dve temi, in sicer (1) pozitivne izkušnje z obiski in (2) negativne izkušnje z obiski. Diskusija in zaključek: Novo obliko preventivnih patronažnih obiskov v domačem okolju anketirani podpirajo, še posebej možnost celovite obravnave posameznika in njegove družine. Glede na ugotovitve se predlaga, da medicinska sestra v patronažnem varstvu postane enakovreden partner v timu referenčne ambulante na nacionalnem nivoju.Introduction: Community nursing is an important link in identifying, monitoring and addressing chronic diseases at the primary level. The purpose of the study is to present the views and experience in terms of upgraded preventive treatment and home visits. Methods: The mixed research design was used. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire (Cronbach % = 0.92). 50 registered nurses participated and the response rate was 81 % (n = 41). A thematic analysis of open-ended questions was done and the analysis was carried out using the PSPP tool: descriptive statistics, t-test, variance analysis, correlation analysis. Results: Respondents see an added value of preventive home visits in health education interventions (x = 4.34, s = 0.85), detection of risk factors (x = 4.12, s = 0.81) and maintaining the patients' quality of life (x = 4.10, s = 0.92). Their satisfaction is linked to the acceptance of visits by patients and families (r = 0.754, p < 0.001), benefit to the profession of community health nursing (r = 0.766, p < 0.001), and treatment of individuals with family (r = 0.693, p < 0.001). Thematic analysis highlighted two themes, namely (1) positive experiences with home visits and (2) negative experiences with home visits. Discussion and conclusions: Respondents supported innovation in preventive home visits, especially the possibility of a comprehensive treatment of the individual and his family. According to the study data, we suggest that the community nurses in community health care become an equal partner in a team of reference model practice at the national level.
Keywords     patronažna zdravstvena nega
kronična bolezen
community nursing
chronic diseases